Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Matney, Thomas G.
Committee Member
Schultz, Emily B.
Committee Member
Meadows, James S.
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science
College of Forest Resources
Department of Forestry
Southern bottomland sites are among the most productive areas for producing high quality grade hardwood, yet the ability to estimate the quantity and quality of standing grade hardwood is almost non-existent. Measurements and observed log grades were recorded on standing trees to construct volume prediction models for individual trees. Several different modeling techniques were explored and compared during development. Developed equations predict merchantable sawtimber volume and volume by grade category in trees by species group. Two separate sets of equations were developed for each species group using either total height or merchantable height. Models were chosen based on significance of variables, index of fit, RMSE, bias, ease of use, and biological trends. The models developed to predict merchantable sawtimber and grade volumes were designed to be implemented in a larger hardwood growth and yield system.
Recommended Citation
Banzhaf, George Maynard, "Log Grade Volume Distribution Model for Tree Species in Red Oak-Sweetgum Forests in Southern Bottomlands" (2009). Theses and Dissertations. 2968.
Tree Log Grade Distribution||Hardwood Growth and Yield||Volume Prediction Models