Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Allen Jr., Thomas Ward
Committee Member
Henn, R. Alan
Committee Member
Bond, Jason Aaron
Committee Member
Irby, Jon Trenton
Committee Member
Tomaso-Peterson, Maria
Date of Degree
Original embargo terms
MSU Only Indefinitely
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Campus Access Only
Plant Pathology
Degree Name
Master of Science
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology and Plant Pathology
Frogeye leaf spot (FLS), caused by Cercospora sojina Hara, is a foliar disease of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). FLS has re-emerged as an important disease due to the widespread QoI-resistant fungal population in Mississippi. Growers have transitioned from a stand-alone QoI fungicide to a multi-mode of action fungicide. One disadvantage of certain MOA’s is phytotoxicity. Phytotoxicity is a concern among soybean growers as to whether or not yield is lost. Disease, phytotoxicity, green stem, yield, plant morphology, and grain quality were analyzed to determine the impacts of fungicide phytotoxicity. Yield was significantly and negatively correlated as a result of phytotoxicity. Numerical differences in phytotoxicity severity were observed among all cultivars. Phytotoxicity severity were greatest in the Hornbeck 4950 LL with an average of 26.9%. Tank-mixing dodine with Manniplex B Moly, Megafol, and Veritas decreased phytotoxicity by 8.5, 2.7, 11.4% compared to dodine as a stand-alone treatment, respectively.
Recommended Citation
Mansour, William Jeffrey, "Managing Qoi-Resistant Cercospora Sojina in Mississippi Soybean and Assessing the Impacts of Foliar Fungicide Phytotoxicity" (2017). Theses and Dissertations. 3005.
Foliar Nutrient||MBC||SDHI||DMI||QoI||phytotoxicity||Frogeye leaf spot