Theses and Dissertations


Lingfeng Li

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Jin, Mingzhou

Committee Member

Eksioglu, Burak

Committee Member

Eksioglu, Sandra

Committee Member

Li Zhang

Date of Degree


Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access


Industrial and Systems Engineering

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering


This dissertation considers sheltering network planning and operations for natural disaster preparedness and responses with a two-stage stochastic program. The first phase of the network design decides the locations, capacities and held resources of new permanent shelters. Both fixed costs for building a new permanent shelter and variable costs based on capacity are considered. Under each disaster scenario featured by the evacuee demand and transportation network condition, the flows of evacuees and resources to shelters, including permanent and temporary ones, are determined in the second stage to minimize the transportation and shortage/surplus costs. Typically, a large number of scenarios are involved in the problem and cause a huge computational burden. The L-shaped algorithm is applied to decompose the problem into the scenario level with each sub-problem as a linear program. The Sheltering Network Planning and Operation Problem considered in this dissertation also has a special structure in the second-stage sub-problem that is a minimum cost network flow problem with equal flow side constraints. Therefore, the dissertation also takes advantages of the network simplex method to solve the response part of the problem in order to solve the problem more efficiently. This dissertation investigates the extending application of special minimum cost equal flow problem. A case study for preparedness and response to hurricanes in the Gulf Coast region of the United States is conducted to demonstrate the usage of the model including how to define scenarios and cost structures. The numerical experiment results also verify the fast convergence of the L-shaped algorithm for the model.



Equal Flow Network||Stochastic Programming||Sheltering Network Planning and Management||L-shaped Method
