Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Davis, James E.
Committee Member
Farmer, Angela S.
Committee Member
Armstrong, Christopher Clayton
Committee Member
Hailey, Leigh Ann
Date of Degree
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Elementary, Middle and Secondary School Administration
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
College of Education
Department of Educational Leadership
This investigation focused on identifying model foundational strategies to assist Canton Public School District (CPSD) officials in recruiting new teachers, successfully hiring them, and then retaining them the district. Located within the boundaries of the city of Canton, Mississippi, CSPD is geographically located in the central portion of the state. The district consists of 1 high school, 2 middle schools, 4 elementary schools and Canton Education Services Center. CSPD is continually affected by an ever-increasing teacher shortage because new teachers tend to leave the district after they are hired. More than 50% of new teachers leave their teaching positions in the district’s schools within 5 years. The investigation utilized published literature and other archival data (e.g., scholarly papers presented at conferences) accessible to the public in the form of books, chapters in published books, journal articles, and scholarly papers presented at learned societies and associations. Two research questions guided the investigation. The first research question asked: What does the published literature and related archival data (e.g., available scholarly papers retrievable from sources such as colleges, universities, foundations, conferences, etc.) accessible to the public reveal about recruiting, hiring, and retaining teachers? Overall, the material collected and analyzed yielded abundant information. Much of the available information proved valuable because the material focused attention the “how-to-do-it” aspects of recruiting, hiring, and retaining quality new teachers. The second research question asked: Will information gleamed from an analysis of the published literature and other archival data (e.g., unpublished scholarly papers) lead to the development of foundational strategies for assisting school district officials in recruiting, hiring, and retaining new teachers for CPSD? It was possible to develop a model holding potential for improving teacher recruitment, hiring, and retention at CPSD. The model that was developed features seven foundational strategies that if implemented, hold potential for improving teacher recruitment, hiring, and retention at CPSD. The seven strategies are: (1) identify the vacancy and write the job description, (2) announce and advertise the teacher vacancy, (3) develop a customized application form, (4) paper screening process, (5) interviewing process, (6) salary and benefit package, and (7) induction and mentoring.
Recommended Citation
Luckett, W K. Jr, "New Teacher Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention Strategies for the Canton Public School District" (2017). Theses and Dissertations. 3285.
administrative support||hands-on instruction||tuition tax credits||salary stipend||salaries||hiring highly qualified teachers||teacher attrition||teacher recruitment||instructional excellence||quality teachers||teacher transformation||interview||generic job description||customized job description||teacher shortage||instructional certification||mentors||professional growth||mentor programs||mentorees||archival data||comprehension induction||best practice||foundational strategies||analytical reading||compensation package