"Nitrogen doping in low temperature halo-carbon homoepitaxial growth of" by Kritsa Chindanon

Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Koshka, Yaraslov

Committee Member

Winton, S. Raymond

Committee Member

Kim, Seong-Gon

Date of Degree


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Electrical Engineering

Degree Name

Master of Science


College of Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


With the low-temperature halo-carbon epitaxial growth technique developed at MSU prior to this work, use of a halo-carbon growth precursor enabled low-temperature homoepitaxial process for 4H-SiC at temperatures below 1300 °C with good quality. Investigations of the nitrogen doping dependence are reported. It has been demonstrated that the efficiency of the nitrogen incorporation may be different for different substrate orientations, with the Cace showing the higher value of doping. The Si/C ratio is known to influence the doping during the epitaxial growth due to the site-competition mechanism. The doping on the Cace showed weak dependence on the Si/C ratio. On the Siace, the doping dependence follows the site-competition trend. At high Si/C ratio, the doping trend on Siace shows strong deviation. Both of the investigated trends are suggested for use as the main process dependencies for achieving a wide range of n type doping of SiC during the low-temperature halo-carbon homoepitaxial process.




nitrogen||silicon carbide||halo-carbon||epitaxial growth||Chemical Vapor Deposition
