Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Ginn III, Herbert L.

Committee Member

Srivastava, Anurag K.

Committee Member

Schulz, Noel

Committee Member

Follett, Randolph

Date of Degree


Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access


Electrical Engineering

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Applications of power electronics in power systems are growing very rapidly and changing the power system infrastructure in terms of operation speed and control. Even though applications of power electronics are wide spread, the cost and reliability of power electronics are the issues that could hinder their penetration in the utility and industrial systems. The demand for efficient and reliable converter controllers gave rise to modularized converter and controller design. The objective of this dissertation is to determine the appropriate partitioning and interface requirements between the system and application control layers for power electronic converters so that the minimum set of system layer to application layer control interfaces is compatible across all power electronic controllers. Previous work, using the Open System Architecture (OSA) concept has shown that there is a set of common functions shared by different converters at the low-level control layers. It has also shown that, depending on the application, there is a variation in control functions in application/middle control layers. This functional variation makes it difficult to define system functionality of power converters at upper control layers and further complicates the investigation into the partition requirements of system to application control layer. However, by analyzing the current or voltage affected by a converter in terms of orthogonal components, where each component or group of components is associated with a power-converter application, and the amount of required DC bus energy storage, a common functionality can be observed at the application control layer. Therefore, by establishing common functionality in terms of affected current or voltage components, a flexibility of operation can be realized at upper control layers that will be a major contribution towards standardizing the open system architecture. In order to a construct functional flexible power converter control architecture, the interface requirements to the system control layer and the partitioning between the system control layer and application control layer need to be explored. This will provide flexibility of system design methodology by reducing the number of constraints and enabling system designers to explore possible system architectures much more effectively.



Control layer partitioning||Layered control architecture||HVDC||STATCOM||APF||Grid connected converters||Applications of Power Electronics||FACTS||Power converters||Power Electronics
