Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Zhang, Jilei
Committee Member
Shmulsky, Rubin
Committee Member
Jones, Paul David
Committee Member
Wan, Hui
Committee Member
Martin, William V.
Date of Degree
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Sustainable Bioproducts
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
College of Forest Resources
Department of Sustainable Bioproducts
This study investigated effects of pilot-hole diameter, screw penetration depth depth, embedded screw orientation, magnitude of pushing-down force and turning speed on screw driving torques in particleboard (PB) and predicted screw driving torques for two PB clamped together. In addition, effects of material mechanical properties such as shear and tensile strength on screw direct withdrawal loads in PB were investigated and a model to predict screw direct withdrawal load capacity was developed. Furthermore, effects of screw driving torques on clamping pressure between two particleboards were investigated. It was concluded in general that stripping torques (STT) per thread for driving screws into tested PB materials had significantly higher means than seating torque (SET) per thread. The SET and STT per thread for screws driven into PB materials with 0.75-inch penetration depth was higher than 0.50-inch depth when no pilot-hole or pilot-holes with diameter of 1/8 in were drilled. Statistical analyses on screw driving torques for two PB materials clamped together, illustrated that the SET and STT tended to increase when the pilot-hole diameter decreased from 11/64 to 1/16 in. The prediction of the SET and STT values of driving screws through a face into an edge of PB materials can be predicted by the connection of two separate PB materials between a single face specimen with countersink in the surface and a single edge specimen. In addition, a face into a face PB connection, the prediction of both SET and STT can be predicted by connection of two separate face specimens. Results on shear and internal bond (IB) strength demonstrated that there was a clear trend that the shear and IB strengths were higher in the surface of the particleboards than the other levels. In the case of screw direct withdrawal (SDW), the results illustrated that the SDW values of particleboard types did not differ from each other when the pilot-hole diameters of 1/8 and 9/64 in used to drive the screw into the material.
Recommended Citation
Tor, Onder, "Prediction of Driving Torque and Direct Withdrawal Capacity of Screws in Particleboard" (2015). Theses and Dissertations. 3605.
screw driving||particleboard||seating and stripping torques||screw withdrawal