Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Trader, W. Brian
Committee Member
Matta, B. Frank
Committee Member
Reddy, Raja K.
Committee Member
Gu, Mengmeng
Committee Member
Harkess, L. Richard
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
Temperature affects reproductive potential, aesthetic and commercial value of ornamental peppers. In experiment one, temperature effects were assessed in 12 ornamental cultivars using in vitro pollen germination and tube length, and the physiological parameters, cell membrane thermostability, chlorophyll stability index and canopy temperature depression. In experiment two, seed germination rate and maximum seed germination response to temperature were assessed. Cumulative temperature response indices (CTRI) for pollen, seed, and physiological parameters were derived and used to classify cultivars for temperature tolerance. CTRI based on pollen parameters showed significant, but poor correlation with physiological parameters. CTRI based on seed parameters showed significant correlation with CTRI-physiological parameters. It is concluded that screening using pollen parameters will be ideal for reproductive temperature tolerance while seed and physiological parameters will be suitable for screening vegetative temperature tolerance. Identified tolerant cultivars are potential candidates for breeding programs to develop heat and cold tolerant ornamental pepper genotypes.
Recommended Citation
Gajanayake, Karande Gajanayake Mudiyanselage Chandana Preethi Bandara, "Screening ornamental pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars for temperature tolerance using pollen, physiological and seed germination parameters" (2010). Theses and Dissertations. 3866.
temperature tolerance||cardinal temperature||pollen||ornamental pepper||seed germination||physiological