Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Ma, Wenchao
Committee Member
Afanasjev, Anatoli
Committee Member
Arnoldus, Henk
Committee Member
Winger, Jeffry
Committee Member
Srinivasan, Radhakrishnan
Date of Degree
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Applied Physics
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
James Worth Bagley College of Engineering
Applied Physics Program
The first project in this dissertation involves the search for and the study of excited superdeformed (SD) rotational bands in 154Dy. The data was obtained from an experiment at the 88-inch cyclotron of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory via the fusion evaporation reaction 122Sn(36S, 4n) and using the Gammasphere spectrometer array to probe the high-spin states in 154Dy. With the help of large Compton-suppressed spectrometers such as GAMMASPHERE in the USA and EUROBALL in Europe, superdeformed nuclei have been identified in several regions of the chart of nuclides including 151Dy, 153Dy, 154Dy and 155Dy. The 154Dy nucleus, located in the center of A= 150 SD island, plays an important role in the study in this region. Only the lowest (yrast) SD band in 154Dy was known before this study. Three or four fold coincidence analysis was performed employing the conventional gating method as well as an automatic search routine. As the result, five excited SD bands were identified with intensities between 0.7 - 0.03 % of total reaction channel. Theoretical analysis based on Cranked Relativistic Mean Field calculations (CRMF) and the effective alignment method were carried out. The second project includes the spectroscopy of high-spin states in Hf nuclei, which were populated in another Gammasphere experiment using 128Te(48Ca, 5n) and 128Te(48Ca, 4n) reactions to obtain 171Hf and 172Hf, respectively. Three SD bands in 172Hf and one band with enhanced deformation (ED) in 171Hf have been extracted and published by our group. Subsequently, a complete highspin spectroscopy in 171Hf has been further carried out in which five new rotational bands have been identified. Their rotational properties, including spins, parities, excitation energies, aligned angular momentum and quasiparticle configurations were investigated within the framework of the cranked shell model, aided by a comparison with level structures in neighboring nuclei. The band crossings at very high rotational frequency (500 keV) are interpreted as the proton alignments. One band has been suggested to be associated with enhanced deformation based on the i13/2h9/2 proton orbitals and h9/2 neutron orbital. However, its decay pathways to known low-spin states could not be established.
Recommended Citation
Ijaz, Qurant Ul Ann, "Study of Excited Superdeformed Bands in 154Dy and High-spin Spectroscopy of 171Hf" (2011). Theses and Dissertations. 4126.
gamma ray spectroscopy||nuclear structure