Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Grzybowski, Stanislaw
Committee Member
Schulz, Noel N.
Committee Member
Ginn, Herbert L.
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Electrical Engineering
Degree Name
Master of Science
James Worth Bagley College of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Partial discharge testing is a nondestructive method of identifying possible premature insulation breakdown. Magnet wires are used in various electrical equipment like injection coils, solenoids, small transformers and motors. Winding wires used in high voltage systems are subjected to several stresses during operation, which considerably lowers their lifetime. A prolonged combined effect of these stresses causes aging of the wires, inception of partial discharge activity, and degradation of the organic material in the enamel coating and varnish used by the manufacturer. The tests were conducted for AWG 30 and AWG 31 twisted magnet wire samples. The samples are aged under accelerated conditions of high frequency, temperature, and pulsed voltages. As well as conventional sinusoidal voltages. This thesis is focused on the results of voltage, frequency, and temperature stresses on the magnet wires. The partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV) and breakdown voltages are measured for different twisted wire samples. A software tool is utilized to study these partial discharge patterns. Evaluation of the parameters charge intensity, pulse count, and pulse phase position are presented in 2- and 3-dimensional plots.
Recommended Citation
Mani, Ashwini, "Study of Partial Discharge Activity in Magnet Wires Aged by Combined Stresses" (2005). Theses and Dissertations. 4130.
partial discharge||accelerated aging||magnet wires||2 and 3-diemensional plots