Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Skarke, Adam
Committee Member
Kirkland, Brenda L.
Committee Member
Paul, Varun G.
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Geosciences
The recent and rapid growth of horizontal drilling in the Anadarko basin necessitates newer studies to characterize reservoir and source rock quality in the region. Most oil production in the basin comes from the Granite Wash reservoirs, which are composed of stacked tight sandstones and conglomerates that range from Virgillian (305-299 Ma) to Atokan (311-309.4 Ma) in age. By utilizing geophysical well logging data available in raster format, the Granite Wash reservoirs and their respective marine flooding surfaces were stratigraphically mapped across the regional fault systems. Additionally, well log trends were calibrated with coincident core data to minimize uncertainty regarding facies variability and lateral continuity of these intervals. In this thesis, inferred lithofacies were grouped into medium submarine fan lobe, distal fan lobe, and offshore facies (the interpreted depositional environments). By creating isopach and net sand maps in Petra, faulting in the Missourian was determined to have occurred syndepositionally at the fifth order scale of stratigraphic hierarchy.
Recommended Citation
Lomago, Brendan Michael, "Subsurface Framework and Fault Timing in the Missourian Granite Wash Interval, Stiles Ranch and Mills Ranch Fields, Wheeler County, Texas" (2018). Theses and Dissertations. 4144.
Submarine fan||Core analysis||Isopach hierarchy||Well log analysis||Pennsylvanian||Mills Ranch||Stiles Ranch||Fault timing||Anadarko Basin||Sand maps||Isopachs||Petra||Granite Wash||Missourian