Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Williams, Frankie K.
Committee Member
Moyen, Eric
Committee Member
Armstrong, Christopher
Committee Member
King, Stephanie B.
Date of Degree
Original embargo terms
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Education Administration
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
College of Education
Department of Educational Leadership
When the deadly EF-4 tornado devastated the Winston County in 2014, the local hospital and various doctors’ offices and clinics were destroyed. Win School District (WSD) had already realized the need to reestablish health care services within the school, and now county health professionals realized they were unable to meet the health care needs of the county. A partnership emerged with the Winston County Health Foundation and established a School-Based Health Clinic (SBHC) on the lower elementary school campus. The purpose of this research study was to investigate the lived experiences of school administrators, teachers, parents, and health professionals related to the SBHC in a rural school district. An exploratory qualitative research design was selected for the study to answer the central, overarching research question: How do teachers, parents, health professionals, and administrators describe their experiences related to an SBHC in a rural school district? Overall, as experienced by school administrators, teachers, parents, and health professionals, and evidenced by official school records, the SBCH met a tremendous health need in the community and had a positive impact on students’ academic achievement, students’ attendance, and teachers’ attendance. This study focused on the benefits and advantages, disadvantages and challenges, impact on student and teacher attendance, impact on student achievement, and suggested improvements. Lessons learned and insights are provided for educational leaders that can be used to promote and implement SBHC programs in Mississippi as well as throughout the country.
Recommended Citation
McMullan, Ken, "The experiences of school administrators, teachers, parents, and health professionals regarding the benefits and challenges of a rural, school-based health center" (2019). Theses and Dissertations. 4464.
school-based health center||student attendance||student achievement||teacher attendance