"A Community of Women in Clorinda Matto De Turner's Indole" by Cordelea Ann Haecker

Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Peláez, Sol

Committee Member

Espinosa, Carlos

Committee Member

Dunn, Jane Mary

Date of Degree


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Foreign Language

Degree Name

Master of Arts


College of Arts and Sciences


The focus of this study is Clorinda Matto de Turner’s novel, Índole. After an introduction to the topic in Chapter I, Chapter II will explore the feminist ideas that Matto de Turner described in her essays and other short writings. It will specifically deal with the idea of a community of women, gender and androgyny, Matto de Turner’s appeal for women’s rights, the concept of “la mujer peruana”, and the duties of women workers. In Chapter III, I will analyze Índole and examine the domestic community that the novel presents. I will discuss female morality and responsibility for the morality of the family. Lastly, I will conclude this work with an examination of the three distinct classes of women presented in Matto de Turner’s works, reflect on the characteristics of each class, and explain how Matto de Turner’s role as an author relates to this class system.


