Theses and Dissertations


Renran Tian

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Eksioglu, Burak

Committee Member

Duffy, G. Vincent

Committee Member

McFadyen, Gary

Date of Degree


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Industrial Engineering

Degree Name

Master of Science


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Department of Industrial Engineering


This study focuses on testing the validity and reliability of dynamic Virtual Interactive Design (VID) methodology with dynamic ergonomics analysis. Virtual Interactive Design methodology has been introduced and applied on practical problems in several previous studies, and initially validated with posture-based static ergonomics analysis tools. Although most results have proved the validity and reliability based on static information considered, such validation processes is not sufficient since risks for performing certain tasks can not be fully examined without examining dynamic aspects. But the dynamic virtual interactive design environment has not been validated sufficiently. In my subsequent study, a dynamic ergonomics analysis tool will be integrated into virtual interactive design environment. For the validation of new dynamic virtual interactive design environment, experimental human motion data from 36 subjects in several tasks are imported into the integrated system and dynamic analysis results are achieved. Also, dynamic ergonomics risk results from motion captured directly from human subjects and static ergonomics risk results from virtual interactive design environment are calculated, which two will be used as standard. Comparisons between interested motion series and standard series with respect to ergonomics risk results are applied for validation purpose. And test-retest method is used for testing reliability.

