Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Kaminski, Richard
Committee Member
Larson, Erick
Committee Member
Reinecke, Kenneth
Committee Member
Riffell, Samuel
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Wildlife, Fisheries and Aquaculture
Degree Name
Master of Science
College of Forest Resources
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Grain sorghum provides energy-rich seeds for waterfowl. I conducted experiments in 22 sorghum fields in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana during falls 2006 – 2007 to evaluate abundance of ratoon grain (i.e., second crop after harvest), waste grain, and natural seeds. I also conducted surveys of wintering waterfowl in flooded croplands and moist-soil wetlands to evaluate if ducks and geese differentially used habitats. Fertilized plots in 2007 produced >4 times more ratoon grain (x = 219.57 ± 39.65 [SE] kg/ha) than other treatments. Fertilized plots in southern regions of my study area produced ~5 times more ratoon grain (x = 262.93 ± 50.28 kg/ha) than others. Mallards and other ducks used moist-soil wetlands (x >65 ducks/ha) more than other habitats. I did not observe geese using flooded sorghum. I recommend not manipulating sorghum stubble after harvest, fertilizing, and flooding it after ratoon grain has matured, and integrating moist-soil wetlands into agricultural lands.
Recommended Citation
Wiseman, Alicia Joy, "Waterfowl foods and use in managed grain sorghum and other habitats in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley" (2009). Theses and Dissertations. 4984.