Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Marett, Kent
Committee Member
Farmer, Adam
Committee Member
Templeton, Gary
Committee Member
Warkentin, Merrill
Committee Member
Otondo, Robert
Date of Degree
Original embargo terms
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Information Systems
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
College of Business
Department of Management and Information Systems
Information systems provide users with valuable information that is relevant to users’ tasks, as well as irrelevant information that is not helpful to the user. Irrelevant information become a distraction and distract the users from their current task, there by impairing performance. Guided by distraction-conflict theory, processing efficiency theory, attentional control theory, cognitive load theory and memory for goals theory, this study investigated the distraction effect by exploring the research question, “How do task-irrelevant distractions interrupt the users of information systems and influence their performance?”. To investigate how distractions from technology influence users’ performance, this experimental research examined the relationship between the variables of distraction, cognitive load, anxiety and task performance. Data were gathered through lab experiment using imotion eye tracking system. The major findings revealed that task-irrelevant distraction negatively influenced the users by increase anxiety and cognitive load as well as increase the time devoted to primary task. We also found that the cognitive load partially mediates the relationship between distraction and time spending on task.
Recommended Citation
Niu, Ziyi, "The influence of multimodal distractions on computer user performance" (2019). Theses and Dissertations. 5063.