Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Thomason, John M.
Committee Member
Mackin, Andrew J.
Committee Member
Williams, Matthew
Committee Member
Natalini, Claudio Correa
Committee Member
Howell, George Eli III
Date of Degree
Original embargo terms
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Veterinary Medical Research
Degree Name
Master of Science
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Clinical Sciences
In humans, washing stored blood products prior to transfusion reduces storage lesions and the potential for transfusion reaction, but the effectiveness of washing units of canine whole blood is unknown. The objective of this study was to determine if a manual method of washing of stored whole blood units reduced storage lesions without adversely affecting erythrocytes. Units of canine whole blood were stored for 28 days and manually washed three times with sterile .9% NaCl. Following the first wash, there was a decrease in serum potassium (P<.0001), lactate (P<.0001), pH (P=.0110), pCO2 (P<.0001), TCO2 (P<.0001), arachidonic acid (P<.0001), and thromboxane B2 (P=.0417), and increases in iCa (P=.0494), iMg (P=.0024), MCV (P<.0001), MCHC (P=.0093), RDW (P=.0009), hemoglobin (P=.0011), and MCF (P=.0006). No bacterial growth was identified on the post-transfusion samples. Manual washing of stored blood significantly reduces storage lesions after a single wash and additional washing may cause in vitro hemolysis.
Recommended Citation
Coll, Ashley, "Effects of washing units of canine red blood cells on storage lesions" (2021). Theses and Dissertations. 5094.