Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Parajuli, Prem

Committee Member

Bora, Ganesh C.

Committee Member

Varco, Jac J.

Committee Member

Patil, Prakash N.

Date of Degree


Original embargo terms

Visible to MSU only for 1 year

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access


Agricultural and Life Sciences

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering


In recent years, dramatic evolution of precision agriculture technology has been driven by technologies such as sensors and controllers, telematics, and UAV. An intriguing area in the field of precision agriculture and UAV is big volume of data and its analysis that have not been dealt with in depth. The main objective of this project is proposed to develop a digital data processing tool and deliver them in a useful format to the end users. This involves three faceted methodical approach: 1) collection of large amounts of UAV images with regards to combinations of in-field sensors and UAV imagery 2) analyze and validate the combination of data with geospatial tools 3) Develop a web-based computer data processing program to analyze the big data and assess pant condition. The validation and correlation analysis results showed that UAV assessed NDVI are good indicator of crop nutrition along with the ground-based crop sensors.


