Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Cornelious, F. Linda
Committee Member
Dill, Anna
Committee Member
Forde, M. Connie
Committee Member
Hare, Dwight
Date of Degree
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Instructional Systems and Workforce Development
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
College of Education
Department of Instructional Systems and Workforce Development
The primary purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics, duties, and training needs of district level technology coordinators in Mississippi school districts. Prior research was limited on the role of technology coordinators in the United States, and no research was found in the literature that focused specifically on technology coordinators at the district level in Mississippi. The research design for the study was descriptive. A survey instrument was used to collect demographic data. The survey was emailed to 138 technology coordinators. There were 4 technology coordinators that opted out of the survey, 8 emails were bounced back to the research and 55 responded for a response rate of 43.6%. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze data for the 4 research questions. The results of this study indicated that district technology coordinators in Mississippi have a multitude of responsibilities that vary greatly. The majority of participants in this study are responsible for duties that range from working one-on-one with teachers, installing and troubleshooting hardware and software, purchasing technology resources, planning technology related professional development activities for other staff members, as well as other duties. A majority of respondents indicated that they needed additional training to perform their duties effectively. Participants were given the opportunity to rank their most important training needs as administrative, technical, or educational research oriented. Administrative training was chosen as more important than any other training need.
Recommended Citation
Webster, Vicki Michelle Nash, "An examination of the characteristics, duties, and training needs of district level technology coordinators in Mississippi school districts" (2010). Theses and Dissertations. 539.