"Assessment of postural, locomotor, and physical fitness status in indi" by Alana J. Turner

Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Chander, Harish

Committee Member

Knight, Adam C.

Committee Member

Chen, Chih-Chia

Committee Member

Stratton-Gadke, Kasee K.

Committee Member

Bates-Brantley, Kayla

Date of Degree


Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access



Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)


College of Education


Department of Kinesiology


Introduction: Postural control and locomotion deficits can be observed during the early years of childhood development and throughout life. For those with disabilities, these deficits can advance past the development years and into adolescence and adulthood while affecting the quality of life and daily activity. Finding interactive rehabilitative activities to delay or limit these deficits is essential for people with disabilities to improve their quality of life, inclusion, and overall movement. Adapted physical activity/sports like badminton and virtual reality could promote improvements in postural and locomotor status for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities like cerebral palsy (CP), intellectual disability (ID), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Purpose: These studies aim to assess the postural and locator status of young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities after participating in a 12-week badminton and intensive virtual reality programs. Methods: Study A will follow a multiple baseline approach to access postural control, locomotion, and areas of physical fitness in young adults with IDD utilizing the immersive virtual reality game Fruit Ninja™ while study B will follow and repeated measures design accessing static postural control for students in a comprehensive transition program for intellectual disabilities at a southeastern university.
