Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Smith, Brian K.

Committee Member

Burch V, Rueben F.

Committee Member

Tian, Wenmeng

Committee Member

Chander, Harish

Committee Member

Yarahmadian, Shantia

Date of Degree


Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access


Industrial & Systems Engineering

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering


Gait recognition systems have gained tremendous attention due to its potential applications in healthcare, criminal investigation, sports biomechanics, and so forth. A new solution to gait recognition tasks can be provided by wearable sensors integrated in wearable objects or mobile devices. In this research a sock prototype designed with embedded soft robotic sensors (SRS) is implemented to measure foot ankle kinematic and kinetic data during three experiments designed to track participants’ feet ankle movement. Deep learning and statistical methods have been employed to model SRS data against Motion capture system (MoCap) to determine their ability to provide accurate kinematic and kinetic data using SRS measurements. In the first study, the capacitance of SRS related to foot-ankle basic movements was quantified during the gait movements of twenty participants on a flat surface and a cross-sloped surface. I have conducted another study regarding kinematic features in which deep learning models were trained to estimate the joint angles in sagittal and frontal planes measured by a MoCap system. Participant-specific models were established for ten healthy subjects walking on a treadmill. The prototype was tested at various walking speeds to assess its ability to track movements for multiple speeds and generalize models for estimating joint angles in sagittal and frontal planes. The focus of the last study is measuring the kinetic features and the goal is determining the validity of SRS measurements, to this end the pressure data measured with SRS embedded into the sock prototype would be compared with the force plate data.
