Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Siegert, Courtney M.

Committee Member

Granger, Joshua J.

Committee Member

Iglay, Raymond B.

Date of Degree


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access



Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.)


College of Forest Resources


Department of Forestry


Microstegium vimineum, or Japanese stilt grass, is an invasive species that readily outcompetes native vegetation and is of poor forage quality for wildlife. This species is widespread throughout the southeastern United States, including North Carolina. Much of this region is privately owned and there is a gap in the literature providing succinct information about the best methods of treatment, timing of treatment, and effects of treatment on native herbaceous plants in this region. In two parts, this study seeks to address this gap by employing treatments that are easily accessible to landowners at different times during the growing season and assessing the effects on the herbaceous plant community post-treatment. Results of this study found that application of glyphosate was the most effective treatment at M. vimineum removal, application of household vinegar was the most effective at increasing post-treatment species richness and diversity, and that seasonality did not play a role in the effectiveness of treatment options. This study will increase landowner knowledge on treating this invasive successfully and choosing a treatment that fosters an understory that meets their management goals.
