Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Zhang, Li

Committee Member

Sescu, Adrian

Committee Member

Marufuzzaman, Mohammad

Date of Degree


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Computational Engineering

Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.)


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Computational Engineering Program


Commerce companies have experienced a rise in the number of parcels that need to be delivered each day. The goal of this study is to provide a decision-making procedure to assist carriers in taking a more significant role in selecting cost and risk-efficient truck-drone intermodal delivery routing plan. The congestion-based model is developed to select the method of parcel delivery utilizing a truck and a drone for optimizing cost and time. A study also has been conducted to compare drone-only and truck-only delivery routing plan. The proposed A* Heuristic algorithm and the OSRM application generate the travel path for drone and a truck along with the time of travel. Case studies have been conducted by varying the weight provided to cost and risk variable, studies indicate that there is a significant change in drone delivery travel time and cost with increase of cost weightage.
