Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Schmitz, Darrel W.
Committee Member
Skarke, Adam
Committee Member
Rodgers, John C., III
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science (M.S.)
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Geosciences
Traditional geologic mapping involves substantial time and labor in the field as geologic contacts are manually examined and interpreted. The processes of mapping geologic contacts can be condensed into a quicker and less laborious process using advances in remote sensing and GIS (geospatial information systems), including increased resolution and computerized data management and interpretation. Application of these advances reduces the costs and time of geologic mapping. The Sparta 7.5-minute quadrangle provides a mostly unaltered view of regional Paleocene and Upper Cretaceous geology due to its rural locale, lack of development, and stream topography. Recently LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) survey data covering the Sparta quadrangle were collected. These data were not available during previous attempts to map the area using computer modeling. With these new data, high-resolution topographic maps have been produced based on modern satellite imagery together with pre-existing maps of the Sparta quadrangle, which support improved geologic mapping.
Recommended Citation
Parnell, Rayford Dean, "Geologic mapping of the Sparta 7.5-minute quadrangle in northern Mississippi via remote sensing, traditional geologic survey, and applied geospatial information systems methods" (2022). Theses and Dissertations. 5691.
Full resolution GEOLOGIC MAP of the SPARTA QUADRANGLE in PDF format
Included in
Geographic Information Sciences Commons, Geology Commons, Physical and Environmental Geography Commons, Remote Sensing Commons