Theses and Dissertations


Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Marufuzzaman, Mohammad

Committee Member

Wang, Haifeng

Committee Member

Tian, Wenmeng

Committee Member

Mittal, Sudip

Committee Member

El Hachmi, Essadiqi

Date of Degree


Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access


Industrial and systems engineering

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering


This dissertation develops systems engineering and machine learning models for aviation maintenance support. With the constant increase in demand for air travel, aviation organizations compete to maintain airworthy aircraft to ensure the safety of passengers. Given the importance of aircraft safety, the aviation sector constantly needs technologies to enhance the maintenance experience, ensure system safety, and limit aircraft downtime. Based on the current literature, the aviation maintenance sector still relies on outdated technologies to maintain aircraft maintenance documentation, including paper-based technical orders. Aviation maintenance documentation contains a mixture of structured and unstructured technical text, mainly inputted by operators, making them prone to error, misunderstanding communication, and inconsistency. This dissertation intends to develop decision support models based on systems engineering and artificial intelligence models that can automate the maintenance documentation system, extract useful information from maintenance work orders, and predict the aircraft's top degrader signals based on textual data. The first chapter of this dissertation introduces the significant setbacks of the aviation industry and provides a working ground for the following chapters. The dissertation's second chapter develops a system engineering framework using model-based systems engineering (MBSE) methodology to model the aviation maintenance process using the systems engineering language (SysML). The outcome of this framework is the design of an automated maintenance system model that can be used to automate maintenance documentation, making it less prone to error. The third chapter of the dissertation uses textual data in maintenance work orders to develop a hybrid approach that uses natural language processing (NLP) and transformer models to predict the readiness of a legacy aircraft. The model was tested using a real-life case study of the EA-6B military aircraft. The fourth chapter of this dissertation develops an ensemble transformer model based on three different transformer models. The ensemble model leverages the benefits of three different transformer architectures and is used to classify events based on an aviation log-based dataset. This dissertation's final and fifth chapter summarizes key findings, proposes future work directions, and provides the dissertation's limitations.

Available for download on Thursday, May 15, 2025
