Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Mlsna, Debra A.
Committee Member
Emerson, Joseph P.
Committee Member
Cui, Xin
Committee Member
Gwaltney, Steven R.
Committee Member
Wei, Tianlan
Date of Degree
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Think-aloud interviews are a strategy used to identify misconceptions held by students. We incorporated think-aloud interviews and studied representational competence of novice and expert participants with identifying alkyl halides with multiple representations. We hypothesized that the participants would approach representations differently and think-aloud interviews would reveal misconceptions. Eye-tracking results showed that novice and expert participants differ in their approaches to representations and that novice participants spend more time on representations. Think-aloud interviews revealed that novice participants contain misconceptions on alkyl halide identification. This research provided insights on student understanding in identifying alkyl halides and representations, allowing instructors to use student misconceptions in guiding student learning. A second think-aloud interview study was incorporated in studying the representational competence of novice and expert participants of alkyl halide substitution and elimination reactions. We hypothesized that the approach to solving reactions would differ and that think- aloud interviews would reveal misconceptions. Eye-tracking results showed that there was a difference in participant patterns. Think-aloud interviews revealed that novice participants contain misconceptions and lacked content knowledge when approaching reactions. This research provided insights on student understanding of substitution and elimination reactions and identified areas of content knowledge concern. Alternative learning approaches work to improve understanding by presenting material differently. Alternative approaches to quiz question types were designed to promote student understanding of organic chemistry and encourage alternative approaches to solving organic questions. This research study determines whether alternative quiz question could support students to be more successful in organic chemistry. Laboratory experiments allow students to acquire hands-on experience in with instruments and laboratory techniques. We designed a new undergraduate laboratory experiment written to demonstrate how Iron-based tandem catalysis is connected to pharmaceutical production. This laboratory experiment was designed to improve student interest in laboratory learning and enhance student product identification by thin layer chromatography and 1H NMR.
Recommended Citation
Smith, Lisa Ann, "Identifying student challenges in organic chemistry: supporting student understanding through eye-tracking, think-aloud interviews and alternative questions" (2023). Theses and Dissertations. 5873.