Theses and Dissertations
Seitz, Marc A.
Committee Member
Lee, Alison M.
Committee Member
Thomason , John M.
Date of Degree
Original embargo terms
Immediate Worldwide Access
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Veterinary and Biomedical Science (Veterinary Medical Research)
Degree Name
Master of Science (M.S.)
College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Clinical Sciences
The use of brightness mode (B-mode) ultrasound (US), color Doppler (CD), and power Doppler (PD) can all help evaluate and characterize splenic lesions. A relatively new non-Doppler technology used to evaluate vasculature called B-Flow helps overcome certain limitations of CD and PD that affect visualization of blood flow. There are no studies describing the use of B-Flow characterizing splenic lesions in dogs. A total of 97 splenic lesions were evaluated. Splenic lesions that were larger than 2 cm, distorted the splenic capsule, or accompanied free fluid were significantly associated with malignancy. Lesions with tortuous internal vessels on CD or B-Flow were significantly associated with malignancy. Lesions with large internal vessels compared to external vessels on PD and B-Flow were significantly associated with malignancy. In conclusion, these B-mode and vascular characteristics on CD, PD and B-flow may help clinicians prioritize malignant etiologies over benign ones and prompt more aggressive diagnostic recommendations.
Recommended Citation
Stevenson, William Spigener, "Ultrasonographic evaluation of splenic nodules and masses with B-Flow interrogation correlates to cytologic or histopathologic characterization as benign or malignant." (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 6180.