Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Alley, Kathleen
Committee Member
Brenner, Devon
Committee Member
Cardozo-Gaibisso, Lourdes
Committee Member
Javorsky, Kristin
Date of Degree
Original embargo terms
Embargo 6 months
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Curriculum & Instruction (Elementary Education)
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
College of Education
Department of Teacher Education and Leadership
In the United States, Indigenous language loss is the result of colonization and deliberate eradication by government policies. Many tribal communities engage in activities to curb language shift, including language reclamation or revitalization to restore the vitality of Indigenous languages. Schools for Indigenous children, once the setting for the destruction of their Indigenous identity and language, have increasingly become the medium for language reclamation. Numerous school-based programs have effectively renewed language use, including those in the Hawaiian, Yup’ik, and Navajo language communities (Holm & Holm, 1995; Wilson & Kamanā, 2011; Wyman et al., 2010). Though school-based programs may increase students’ vocabulary knowledge, many more factors affect their decisions to speak the language and bring it into use. This study investigated students’ experiences in a school-based Choctaw language restoration program and the factors that affected their decisions to speak Choctaw. This qualitative case study examined 21 third-grade students’ experiences through focus group interviews and further explored the data through classroom observations and teacher interviews. Two-cycle coding was used to identify patterns and themes. The data revealed characteristics of the language program based on student experiences. These characteristics were discussed through a conceptual framework of the commonalities of strong language reclamation programs. Additional findings included student descriptions of the factors affecting their decisions to speak Choctaw, both in and outside the school program. These findings echo the characteristics of strong language reclamation programs outlined in the conceptual framework. Specifically, those programs are characterized by the following: (a) acknowledgment of the important position of the language, (b) alignment with community values and goals, (c) dedicated time to immersing learners in the language, (d) attention to verbal and written literacy in the Native language, and (e) a focus on culture and pride in identifying with Native heritage. Additionally, student descriptions of their language choices revealed conditions that promoted or deterred their choices to speak the language. Further research is needed to better understand students’ motivation to speak the Indigenous language. This knowledge can inform school-based programs, allowing them to influence conditions for positive language choices.
Recommended Citation
Pauls, Amy L., "Third-grade Choctaw students’ perceptions of an in-school Choctaw language and culture program" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 6218.