Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Rosser, T. Graham

Committee Member

Griffin, Matt J.

Committee Member

Wise, David J.

Date of Degree


Original embargo terms

Visible MSU Only 2 Years

Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Campus Access Only


Veterinary & Biomedical Science (Veterinary Medical Research)

Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.)


College of Veterinary Medicine


Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences


Catfish aquaculture remains the largest sector of the U.S. aquaculture industry, grossing ~$447 million in sales in 2022. Producers are plagued by annual losses associated with the trematode Bolbophorus damnificus. Management focuses on controlling the snail intermediate hosts using copper sulfate. Herein, the effects of copper on larval stages of the trematode Drepanocephalus spathans and Austrodiplostomum compactum eggs were investigated. Results indicate copper treatments currently used to control snails are ineffective at precluding hatching of trematode eggs. Higher doses prevented trematode eggs from hatching, although these levels are likely impractical in a commercial setting. A second study investigated the effects of temperature on miracidia of D. spathans development and hatching. Eggs were collected from digesta of double-crested cormorants and stored at 4 °C until analysis. Data generated from these studies indicate D. spathans eggs hatch from 12–22 days after removal from cold storage to 26–30 °C, but hatching was not observed at temperatures <20 >°C.
