Theses and Dissertations


Zuckerman, Molly K.

Committee Member

Lambert, Shawn P.

Committee Member

Osterholtz, Anna J.

Committee Member

Boudreaux, Tony, III

Date of Degree


Original embargo terms

Immediate Worldwide Access

Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Applied Anthropology

Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)


College of Arts and Sciences


Department of Anthropology and Middle Eastern Cultures


This project focuses on the Yellow Fever Cemetery of Grenada, Mississippi through geophysical and biological methods. A ground penetrating radar survey was conducted to investigate the landscape and burial patterns in relation to the use of the cemetery throughout high periods of mortality such as a yellow fever epidemic. Additionally, biological methods were used in the analysis of an individual recovered as part of a salvage archaeology event from the cemetery. The multifaceted approach aims to uncover more about the cemetery, landscape, and community as it has changed over time with the influence of extreme events such as the yellow fever epidemic of 1878.
