"Antagonism of Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa Crus-Galli) Control with Gram" by Amber Nicole Eytcheson

Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Reynolds, Daniel B.

Committee Member

Catchot Jr., Angus L.

Committee Member

Irby, J. Trenton

Committee Member

Byrd, John D.

Committee Member

Eubank III, Thomas W.

Date of Degree


Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access


Weed Science

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Department of Plant and Soil Sciences


Field and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine barnyardgrass control as affected by glufosinate and graminicide tank-mixtures, application timing of tank-mixtures of graminicides plus glufosinate and application time of day of tank-mixtures of glufosinate and clethodim. When increased rates of graminicide were tank-mixed with glufosinate, barnyardgrass control was unaffected by quizalofop-P plus glufosinate; however, clethodim plus glufosinate control in the field indicated the potential for reduced barnyardgrass control. When evaluating increasing glufosinate rates tank-mixed with graminicides, barnyardgrass control was not negatively affected by the combination of glufosinate and graminicides. The difference in soybean yield among the graminicides may indicate that the cyclohexanedione herbicides had a slight yield advantage over the aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides due to potential increased levels of barnyardgrass control. Applications of glufosinate alone provide variable control throughout the growing season in both field and greenhouse experiments. Although barnyardgrass control in the field was not affected by glufosinate application timing, data from the greenhouse indicates potential exists for reduced control if glufosinate is applied 1 or 3 d before graminicides. Clethodim was unaffected by application time of day; however, glufosinate applications at midnight reduced barnyardgrass control compared to applications made at noon and 6 P.M. Applications at 6 A.M. also reduced barnyardgrass efficacy compared to applications at 6 P.M. Environmental factors such as temperature and light at the time of application are likely responsible for the time of day effects observed in these studies. For maximum benefit from incorporating graminicides into a glufosinate weed control system, fluazifop-P, quizalofop-P, clethodim and sethoxydim should be applied with glufosinate at 594 or 890 g ai ha-1. Sequential treatments of glufosinate should be applied 7 d prior to a graminicide application or 1, 3 or 7 d after a graminicide application. To optimize barnyardgrass efficacy with tank mixtures of glufosinate and clethodim, applications should be made at noon or early evening to avoid potential time of day effects.


