Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Byrd, John D., Jr

Committee Member

Reynolds, Daniel B.

Committee Member

Lemus, Rocky W.

Committee Member

Lang, David J.

Date of Degree


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Weed Science

Degree Name

Master of Science


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Department of Plant and Soil Sciences


Herbicide treatments were tested on mature stands of Miscanthus in 2013 and 2014 in Winston and Oktibbeha counties Mississippi. Twenty-one different herbicide treatments and two application timings, summer and fall, were evaluated. Glyphosate at 4,500 g ae ha-1 applied in the summer provided the best Miscanthus control at each location. Control with fall applications of glyphosate varied between locations. Two greenhouse studies were conducted in 2014 and 2015 at Mississippi State, MS to evaluate the effects of mowing on seedling Miscanthus, as well as the time period between seed germination and rhizome initiation. Rhizomes were visible on seedling plants 15 or 13 weeks after germination in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Removal of the Miscanthus terminal reduced the number of rhizomes produced compared to plants with intact terminals. However, terminal removal increased the number of shoots produced compared to plants with intact terminal.

