Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Wilmoth, Joe D.

Committee Member

Downey, Laura Hall

Committee Member

Kirkland, Cassandra

Committee Member

Phillips, Tommy M.

Date of Degree


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Human Development and Family Studies

Degree Name

Master of Science


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


School of Human Sciences


Viewing motivation to volunteer through an attachment theory perspective may enhance understanding of volunteering motivations. A questionnaire was administered to (N=155) emerging adult college students using a Lykert-type scale (1 - 7) to assess attachment (Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991) and motivation to volunteer (Omoto & Snyder, 1994). Five forward linear regression analyses were conducted to identify significant predictors of attachment style on motivation to volunteer. For each analysis, one of the five motivations to volunteer variables (values, understanding, esteem enhancement, personal development, community concern) was regressed on the combination of four attachment style variables (secure, avoidant, anxious ambivalent, dismissing avoidant). Findings indicate that Secure significantly predicted Values, Understanding, and Community Concern; Anxious Ambivalent predicted Understanding, Personal Development, Community Concern, and Esteem Enhancement; and Dismissing Avoidant predicted Understanding. These findings partially support the hypothesized notion that securely individuals would likely report selfless motivations; whereas, insecure individuals would likely report self-serving motivations.

