MSU Founders Documents
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In two letters sent by Helen Fearn Graves of Yazoo City, Graves writes to Stone regarding her son coming to school. She is uncertain about sending him due to the fact that he has never been to school away from home as well as the yellow fever outbreak in the state. She goes on to say that the only reason she feels comfortable sending him is because she does not feel like she is sending him to a stranger since, then governor, Stone was so kind to her when she was a refugee during the last break out of yellow fever. In the second letter she asks Stone for permission for her son to attend the inauguration of the governor in Jackson. September 12, 1899, January 11, 1900.
Publication Date
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Colleges and Universities; Mississippi State University; Stone, John Marshall (1830-1900)
Object Type
Format (original)
Format (digital)
Digital ID
Mississippi State University Libraries, Special Collections Department, University Archives Division, John M. Stone Papers, Correspondence-G
University Archives
Digital Publisher
Mississippi State University Libraries (electronic version).
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John M. Stone Papers, Special Collections Department, Mississippi State University Libraries