University Archives Photograph Collection
The University Archives Photograph Collection includes images of postcards, memorabilia, students, athletics, and campus life in general. The collection has been in development since 1878 and provides a glimpse into the history of MSU.
Robert Foglesong with Student
Dr. Robert Foglesong and student holding a folded American flag at a 09-11 Memorial in Mitchell Memorial Library
Robert G. Tischer
Dr. Robert G. Tischer, head of the dept. of microbiology, is pictured doing lab work with two students.
Robert Jones
Robert Jones, vice-president of Student Affairs, is shown standing in front of his secretary as she types on a typewriter.
Robert L. Barnes, Mary Sanders
MSU students Robert L. Barnes and Mary Sanders examine a display of Black African artwork in the University Union as part of Black History Week.
Robert L. Jones
Dr. Robert L. Jones, vice-president for Student Affairs, is shown holding a telephone receiver in his hand.
Robert M. Sanford, Joe Boyd
Australian engineer Robert M. Sanford (right) is pictured with MSU petroleum engineer Joe Boyd as they review results of Boyd's research on what causes cracks in asphalt highways.
Robert Myers
Myers is pictured close-up from a photo from a 1987 Reveille. He was on the Inter-Residence Hall Council and the Hall of Fame.
Robert Reed
'Reed, associate professor of the Mechanical Engineering Dept., is pictured holding a piece of paper that has a diagram of a hydroclone on it.'
Robert Smylie
Robert Smylie, an MSU alumnus, is pictured with two other men who are holding plaques.
Robert T. Clapp, McIntire-Stennis Advisory Board and Committee
Dean Robert T. Clapp (left), Dr. Verne L. Harper, and Director-Emeritus Albert D. Nutting (right) are pictured at Lakeside Country Club during the McIntire-Stennis Meeting.
Robert Wolverton
Dr. Robert Wolverton is pictured speaking at a faculty retreat at Lake Tiak O'Khata in Louisville, MS.
Robert W. Thames, Class of 1938
Robert W. Thames, Class of 1938, President of the Alumni Association
Rob Nathansou, Visitors/Speakers
Rob Nathansou, a guitar instructor at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, is pictured with a guitar. He is completely dressed in black. Nathansou performed for the University Honors Program here on campus.
Roby Wentworth Harned with others at Mississippi A&M College
Roby Wentworth Harned with others at Mississippi A&M College
Rodney Foil, John A. Zivnuska, Robert T. Clapp, Robert E. Dils, Donald P. Duncan, Frank M. Kaufert
Dr. R. Rodney Foil (third from left), Head of the Dept. of Forestry, is pictured sitting at a picnic table with forestry school deans John A. Zivnuska (left, California), Robert T. Clapp (MSU), Robert E. Dils (Colorado), Donald P. Duncan (Missouri), and Frank M. Kaufert (right, Minnesota), at the MSU Experimental Forest.
Roland Jones, Sam Gaston, Henry Nash, Gaines Rogers, M. H. Pittman
Dr. Roland Jones (second from right) and Sam Gaston (third from right) are shown glancing over the award-winning survey their marketing class at MSU made on the Ford Pinto Promotional strategy. With them are (from left) marketing departmental head Dr. Henry Nash, business school dean Dr. Gaines Rogers, and M. H. Pittman of Starkville's Market Ford.
Ron Polk, Mark Johnson
MSU baseball coaches Ron Polk and Mark Johnson are pictured talking to an umpire during a game.
Root Handgun Duster
Partly disassemble Root handgun duster. Gear assembly, fan and fan housing, agitator, whipper, flange, spider, tortion drive springs, hopper
Root Power Duster
Root power duster, 1930 model, in operation on bare field showing dust delivery using one mule hitch
Rosanne (Burleson) Hilbun
Rosanne Burleson (now, Mrs. Ben Hilbun, Jr.) is pictured in her Miss Hospitality gown.
Rosanne Burleson (Mrs. Ben Hilbun, Jr.)
Rosanne Burleson (Mrs. Ben Hilbun, Jr.), a former Miss Hospitality, is shown wearing her graduation cap and gown.
Ross Barnett
up-close picture of Ross Barnett-He is wearing a suit and tie and is holding his glasses in his right hand.
Ross Hutchins
Hutchins, member of the MSU Staff, is pictured as he looks at a pond (stumps sticking out everywhere in it).
Rotary Club, Fred McCrory, Hunter Corhern, Willie L. McDaniel
Dr. Fred McCrory (far left), Hunter Corhern (second from left), and Dr. Willie L. McDaniel (second from right) are shown during a meeting of the Starkville Rotary Club.
'All pictured are dressed in uniforms. Two main men pictured shaking hands. Back of picture reads, ''Promotion of Shirley.'''
ROTC officers are shown standing on the Drill Field during 1942-43. Lee Hall and McCain Engineering Building are in the background.
ROTC war training school on campus during World War II.-students watching as they are taught about cannons
'cadet awards-pictured are: David Speights, Frank L. McCollum, Alton Latimer, and James L. Holzhauer'
ROTC members lined up on campus grounds--Industrial Education (Textile) Building is shown in background.