Charles H. Templeton Music Museum Cylinder Recording Collection | Charles H. Templeton, Sr. Music Collection | Mississippi State University

Cylinder Recording Collection


Among the more than 2,000 cylinder-type records are rare recordings by Thomas Edison and Theodore Roosevelt. The more than 14,000 flat disc recordings encompass the entire history of flat discs from 1897 to the present, in all configurations. The collection of recordings includes diamond records, music box metal records, a rare and early Enrico Caruso recording, and a rare Edison long-playing disc.


Wax Cylinders

10th Regiment March, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

10th Reginent March

13 Stars & Stripes

23rd Psalm & The Lord's Prayer, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

23 rd Reg't, Columbia Phonograph Company

23rd Reg't, Columbia Phonograph Company

24 Dep. Of The Troop Ship

Abide With Me

Abide With Me, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Abide With Me, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

A Blue Danube

Abraham Jefferson Washington

A Broken Doll, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

A Broken Doll-London Taps

A Bunch Of Blackberries

A Bunch Of Roses

A Busy Week At The Pumpkin Center

A Chip of the Block

A- Cloud Chief & B- Medley of Jigs etc., Columbia Phonograph Company

A Coon Band Contest

A Coon Band Contest, Columbia Phonograph Company

A Coon Courtship, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

A Cowboy Romance

Across The Bridge Of Gold

A Darkey's Oration on Woman, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

A Dusky Lullaby

Aeroplane Dip-Waltz, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey


Afghanistan - Foxtrot

A Flower From Home Sweet Home, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

After the Roses Have Faded Away, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

After They Gather The Hay

After They Gather The Hay, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

After You've Gone, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

A Garden Matinee, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

A Gay Gossoon

Ages And Ages

A Good Man Is Hard To Find

A Handful of Earth From My Mothers Grave (2 copies), Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

A Hunting Scene

Ain't Dat A Shame

Ain't We Got Fun

Ain't You Coming Out Tonight?

Albany Cradle Song

A Lemon in the Garden of Love

Alexander's Band is Back in Dixieland

Alexandria, Fox Trot- Aphrodite, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Alice I'm In Wonderland

Alice Where Art Thou

A Little Birch Canoe and You, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

A Little Boy Called Taps

A Little Love, A Little Kiss

A Little Suit of Blue

All Aboard for the County Fair, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Allah's Holiday, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

All Alone

All Alone

All Alone

All Hail The Power Of Jesus

All Hail The Power Of Jesus

All I Need Is Just A Girl Like You - One Step

All The World Will Be Jealous Of Me

All The World Will Be Jealous of Me, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

All Those In Favor Say Aye, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Aloha OE, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Aloha Oe Waltz Medley, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Aloha Of Toots

Aloha Sunset Land

Alone In The Deep

A Long The Rocky Road To Dublin, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Always In The Way

A Matrimonial Mixup

Ambrose and Steve in Court


America I Love You March

America (My Country Tis of Thee), Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

American Beauty Mazurka

American Cake Walk

American Eagle March

American Pep March, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

American Polka

American Standard And The New Colonial Marches

Amid The Green Fields Of Virginia

An Afternoon in June

An Amateur Minstrel Rehearsal

A-National Aips

A-National Airs, Columbia Phonograph Company

A- National Airs & B-Jiggs Reels, Columbia Phonograph Company

And The Great Big World Went 'Round and 'Round, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

And The Green Grass Grew All Around

An Easy Job On The Farm

An Evening At Ms. Clancy's Boarding House

An Evening Call In Jayville Center

A New Kind of Man etc., Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Angel In Disguise / Dance WIth A Dolly

Angels Dream Waltz, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Angels, Roll The Rock Away

Angel's Serenade

Angel's Serenade

Angel's Serenade