"A Handful of Earth From My Mothers Grave (2 copies)" by Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Cylinder Recording Collection

A Handful of Earth From My Mothers Grave (2 copies)


Edison in 1902 started to Gold Mould cylinders, this process uses a oversized groove and a large wax master. The master is placed in a vacuum with 2 pieces of gold leaf. High voltage is introduced to the gold leaf in the bell jar, and vaporizes on to the wax master. The wax master is copper plated to make mother moulds, the mother moulds are plated to make mother masters, the mother masters are plated to make working moulds. A wax harder than the master or a cut record is poured into the mould, and the record that issues has the grooves moulded into it. The wax Edison Gold Moulded record was manufactured from 1902-1914 (domestic production stopped in 1912). These are 2 minute records having grooves of 100/inch.; Musical




Edison Gold Moulded Records

Instrument Number



National Phonograph Company; Orange, NJ


Box 4

Publication Date


Contact Information

For more information about the contents of this collection, email sp_coll@library.msstate.edu.

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