"Jim Lawsons Medley of Reels" by Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey

Cylinder Recording Collection

Jim Lawsons Medley of Reels


In 1908 Edison increased the playing time of the cylinders. From 1888-1902 the speed of the records varied so the record could fit the song, anywhere from 90-144rpm. After 1902 the speed was standardized at 160rpm. In 1908 Edison cylinders changed from 100 grooves per inch to 200 grooves per inch. From 1908-1911 Edison Amberols were made, these are a wax cylinder record. And these play with only sapphire stili, on the Edison Reproducers model H,L,N, N56, Model M, K,O. In 1912 Edison invented the Blue Amberol, it is a 4 minute record but made of celluloid. These will play on all of the above reproducers plus the Diamond A,B,C,D on the Edison Amberola cylinder phonographs. Edison Blue Amberols were made from 1912-1929. Wax Amberols will not play wth the Diamond A,B,C,D. ; Musical


Violin by- D. Almaine


Blue Amberol Record

Instrument Number



National Phonograph Company; Orange, NJ


Box 35

Publication Date


Contact Information

For more information about the contents of this collection, email sp_coll@library.msstate.edu.

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