Cylinder Recording Collection
Among the more than 2,000 cylinder-type records are rare recordings by Thomas Edison and Theodore Roosevelt. The more than 14,000 flat disc recordings encompass the entire history of flat discs from 1897 to the present, in all configurations. The collection of recordings includes diamond records, music box metal records, a rare and early Enrico Caruso recording, and a rare Edison long-playing disc.
Wax Cylinders
Mary-Fox Trot, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Massa's In De Cold, Cold Ground, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Maximas, Columbia Phonograph Company
Mazie-Fox Trot, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Medley of 1909 Hits, Columbia Phonograph Company
Medley Of Hawaiian Airs - No.1
Medley of J.K. Emmet's Yodel Songs
Melinda's Wedding Day (2 copies)
Melody in F, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Me & Mandy Lee, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Memories of Home, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Memories of Home, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Me-ow, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Merry Widow Waltz, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Messiah-The Trumpet Shall Sound, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Midnight Choo-Choo Medley-Two-Step
Mid the Green Fields of Virginia
Mid The Green Fields Of Virginia
Miss Mary (2copies), Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Miss Mary(2 copies), Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Miss Mary(2copies), Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Miss Mccloud's Reel, National Phonograph Company; Orange, New Jersey
Mistah Johnson Good-Night, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Mister Gallagher & Mister Shean Fox Trot
Mister Johnson turn me loose, She's my warm baby, All Coons look alike to me
Mocking Bird-Fantasia, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Molly Dear, It's You I'm After
Molly Malone - Passing Show of 1919
MoonBeams- Fox Trot, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Moonlight In Jungleland And Medley
Morning, CY, Barn Dance, Columbia Phonograph Company
Moskzkowski's Serenade, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Mother and Me, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Mother My Dear, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Mothers Crave, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Moving Day At Punkin Center, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Much Obliged To You, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
Murphy, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Baby's Arms, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Dad's Dinner Pail, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Dream of The Big Parade, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Faith Looks Up To Thee, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Hula Maio-The Passing Show of 1915, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Irish Molly O', Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Little Bimbo (Down On The Bamboo Isle)
My Little Girl, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Little Girl Etc., Columbia Phonograph Company
My Lovin Henry, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Lovin Sing Song Man, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Mothers Old Red Shaw, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Mothers Rosary, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey
My Name Is Morgan, But It's Not J.P.
My Old Hawaiian Home, Edison Laboratory; Orange, New Jersey