Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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Rag Doll
Nacio Herb Brown
Girl doll on a toy car in front of a police officer doll with his hand up, with other toys in the background
Ragged Edges Rag
Otto Frey
Illustration of a ragged tear in the center of the green cover revealing red beneath.
Raggedy Ragtime Rags
LeRoy Napier
Illustration of boy and flowers around orange text with black background
Ragging the Baby To Sleep
Lewis F. Muir
Illustration of man dancing with baby and woman playing piano; portrait of man
Ragging the Chopsticks : Novelty Song & Fox Trot
Archie Gottler
Illustration of two children seated playing piano
Rag Pickers Rag
Robt. J. O'Brien
Photograph of a family standing around a cart full of items in sacks
Kahal Fain, Abner Silver, and Harry Richman
Photograph of The Damberger Boys; Illustration o boy wearing rags holding newspapers
M. Kendree Miller
Portrait of M. Kendree Miller; Woman standing on a stool, and looking down at two rats
Rags To Burn
Frank X. McFadden
Portrait of Frank McFadden; Columns with burning fire on either side of the portrait
Rag Time Chimes
Egbert Van Alstyne
A group of men at the bottom pulling on a string attached to chimes above the title
Ragtime Eyes
W. C. Powell
Illustration of four African American children looking at woman in fancy, red dress
Ragtime Germ of Love (The)
Ed Bond
The title is located in the upper center portion of the cover with the portraits of the composer and lyricist below
Rag-Time Jingles
Al. J. Markgraf
Two people dancing together; Portrait of Al. Markgraf on the bottom left corner
Ragtime Millionaire
Irving Jones
Photograph of Eddie Leonard; Man with cane surrounded by border of money bags
Ragtime Mixes My Brain
Gustav Luders
Man punching another man; Conductor of orchestra; Black and white image of Will West
Ragtime Temple Bells
Ivan Caryll
Text surrounded by cartoon of two oriental men and photographs of two men
Rag-Time Wedding Bells
George W. Meyer
Photo of two men; illustration of wedding bells tied together
Russ Hamilton
Photograph of Russ Hamilton; Illustration of man and woman's face inside globe
Rain Drops
Charles B. Brown
Illustration of young boy holding an umbrella and book while walking with young girl
Rambling Rose
Joseph A. Burke
Photograph of Russ Morgan; Illustration of waved lines with imprints of musical notes
Harry Augustus Fischler
Illustration of man depicted with monkey-like features in top hat and suit
Rattle My Bones
Charlie Stone, Florence Adams, and Jimmy DeKnight
Orchestra playing instruments; Various instruments in rays coming from orchestra
Rattlesnake Rag
Joe Carr and Ethwell Eddie Hanson
Photograph of Joe "Fingers" Carr; Waved piano keys on red background
Eduardo Arolas
Illustration of doctor standing over table between two hospital beds while looking at two doctors sitting in chairs
Ray and His Little Chevrolet
Bernie Grossman, Billy Baskette, and Jack Stanley
Illustration of man in car holding woman's hand standing beside car; photo of man
Raymond's Kill Galop
Mary D. Thomas
Canyon with river flowing between two cliffs; Trees and rocks at base of cliffs
Reaching For The Moon
Irving Berlin
Illustration of green circle with moon and stars in it and white ribbon
Reaching For The Moon
Benny Davis and Jesse Greer
Photograph of Joe Candullo; Man sitting on windowsill smoking cigarette; Fountain and ocean outside of indow
Ready For The River
Neil Moret
Photograph of Eddie Peabody; Illustration of man standing on dock with ship and city structures in background
Real Estate Papa
C. Perillo Jr. and Eugene West
Illustration of man and woman dancing; Silhouette of man and woman dancing in background
Rebecca Of Sunny-Brook Farm
Albert Gumble
Illustration of man steering wagon pulled by horses; Girl holding flowers and umbrella stepping down ladder from coach; Portrait of Emelie Scott
Recess Time
W. C. Powell
Children walking out of building in line with teacher at top of stairwell; Children playing on playground; Notebooks, books, and blackboards in diagonal strip
Nigger-Toe Rag
Harry Augustus Fischler
Illustration of African American in hat sitting with nuts in his hands and feet extended in front of house
Red Berries And Mistletoe
Katharine Bainbridge
Red berries and mistletoe arranged in center of cover