Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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River Side Rag
Charles Cohen
Illustration of African American children swimming in a river with aligators and snakes with tropical trees and bushes and a large sunset in the background.
River, Stay 'Way from my Door
Harry Woods
Photograph of Place and Pascocello; Man standing near door of home overlooking river
Roam on Little Gypsy Sweetheart
Francis Wheeler, Irving Kahal, and Ted Snyder
Photograph of Sid Hall; Illustration of gypsy woman holding tambourine within frame; Background illustration of wagon by campfire
Robinson Crusoe's Isle
Benjamin Hapgood Burt
Illustration of palm trees and beach; photograph of woman
Rock a Bye Town
Remus Harris, Harold Edwards, and Charles Hathaway
Illustration of saytr playing instrument, girl riding toy horse, and jack in the box surrounded by gingerbread men and house
Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody
Jean Schwartz
Persian man with turban relaxing on cushions with three woman dancing and towers in background
Rock and Roll Music
Chuck Berry
Photograph of Chuck Berry; Illustration of stripes and music note in innerlayed circles
Rocking Chair On The Moon
Bill Haley and Harry Broomall
Photograph of Bill Haley; Orange music notes and abstract background
Rock Me in a Craddle of Kalua
Pete Wendling
Photograph of Smith Ballew; Illustration of bank with palm trees and river with mountain range in background
Rock me to Sleep in my Rocky Mountain Home
Harold B. Dixon
Illustration of stream flowing through mountain range
Rock me to Sleep in my Rocky Mountain Home
Billy Hill; Nat Vincent; Fred Howard; Geo. Brown,; and William Raskin
Photograph of Tex Fletcher; Illustration of mountain range
Roll Along, Silvery Moon, to Slumberland
Abe Olman
Man and woman sitting on hill looking at moon; Trees and small pond at base of hill
Roll' em Girls
Bobby Heath, Micky Marr, and Archie Fletcher
Photograph of women rolling cigarettes; Black background at upper left of cover; Red circles with red pin stripe on what background at lower right of cover
Rolling Down to Rio
Edward German
Illustration of vines and rose surrounding "R" in first word of title; Illustration of rose in center of cover
Rolling Green
Chas T. Boyle
Small photograph of Chas. T. Boyle; Photograph of building and golf course with people on field; Illustration of flowers outside frame of golf course photograph
Rolls Royce Pa-Pa
Virginia Liston and Fat' Anderson
Illustration of two yellow cars on red background
Romance A La Mode
Arthur Altman
Man and woman hugging with stars and flowers surrounding them; Home on hill with pathway in ovular frame
Romany Days
Gus Arnheim and Abe Lyman
Woman wearing gypsy clothing; Woman dancing around campfire with musicians playing instruments; Photograph of Margie Carson
Rondo Capriccioso
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Portraits of famous composers to left and right of titles of various music pieces
Rooster on the Road
Sidney Lawrence
Illustration of man in car shaking fist angrily at rooster in road
Carl F. Miller
Illustration of a woman and man in uniform standing on the front steps of a house with a U. S. flag in the foreground.
Rose Dreams
A. J. Stasny
Woman wearing purple dress holding rose by window; Two roses at top corners of frame surrounding illustration
Rose Leaves
Glenn W. Ashleigh
Picture of two angels sitting on tree branch holding rose; Angel pulling rose petals off of rose; Rose petals falling and collecting in bottom left corner of illustration
Rose Marie Waltz
Katherine A. Musgrove
Illustration of roses and vines in border around various titles
Rose Of My Heart
Leo Friedman
Title in middle with roses and vines on side extending to bottom of cover
Rose Of My Heart
Neil Moret
Photograph of John Steel in heart shaped frame; Roses surrounding portrait frame
Rose of Pyramid Land
Alfred Baldwin Sloane
Cartoon man and woman talking on balcony with plants on either side
Rose of Romany
Neil Moret
Portrait of woman holding rose; Illustration of man and horse by tent on hillside
Rose Of The Prairie Land
Jacob Henry Ellis
Illustration of smiling woman wearing feathered hat; Illustration of stems and flowers to left and right of border
Rose of the Underworld
Jack Denny, Billy Baskette, and Geo. S. Gilfillan Jr.
Photograph of Lynn Cantor; Illustration of woman sitting on padded bench playing lute with Oriental ornaments in background
Rose O' The Moonlight
Harold B. Freeman
Illustration of rose coming from ground; Hill and trees in background; Illustration of leaves and flowers to right of inset illustration
Rose Queen
Edmund Braham
Side view of woman with roses in her hair surrounded by roses, vines, and leaves
Rose Room Fox Trot
Art Hickman
Illustration of men and women dancing; Window and candle holders on wall in background
Rose, Rose, Rose
Dan Sullivan
Photograph of Augustus Pitou Jr.; Illustration of shamrocks and stems surrounding photograph
Roses And Love
H. W. Petrie
Illustration of roses and leaves at bottom of cover; Illustration of stems, leaves, and flowers to left of composer name; Illustration of bow and quiver with arrows to left of title
Roses And Thorns Waltzes
William Loraine
Illustration of roses, stems, and leaves to left and right of composer name; Rose buds are whited out
Roses At Twilight
Herbert B. Marple
Illustration of roses with archway covered in vines and stars in background
Roses Bring Dreams Of You
Herbert Ingraham
Portrait of Pearl A. Hunt; Illustration of three roses with stems and leaves
Roses Bring Memories Of You
Fred C. Swan
Portrait of woman; Illustration of rose on vine to right and left of portrait