Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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San Antonio Rose
Bob Wills
Woman in dress leaning onto pillar with moon and clouds in sky; Photograph of Bob Wills
F. Arthur Nouveau
Illustration of man and dogs standing behind three children building sandcastles on beach with "Grand Hotel" in background
Sand Dunes
Byron Gay
Silhouetted men and camels walking through desert; Small sample of alternate cover in small frame by composer and title name
Sandman Lullabye
Coleman Goetz, Billy Baskette, and Neil Moret
Illustration of child sitting in man's lap
Sand Paper Rag
H. E. Ellman and S. Lew Schwab
Illustration of Spanish girl leaning on wall and guitar
San Fernando Valley
Gordon Jenkins
Photograph of Gordon Jenkins; Illustration of buildings, mountains, and cacti
Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town
J. Fred Coots
Illustration of Santa Claus flying over homes in reindeer guided sleigh; Photograph of Art Kassel
Leo Edwards
Portrait of woman with her hands on her chest; Flowers and leaves surrounding frame
Cliff Friend
Illustration of woman holding flowers with bird on stand; Photograph of Chester Gaylord
Saturday Date
Jack Brooks
Photograph of Eddie Gallaher; Illustration of man and woman sitting at table and man and woman dancing
Saturday Night
Frank Henri Klickmann
Illustration of man and woman at table with roses and champagne in ice bucket toasting; Men and women sitting at tables in background
Fred Fisher
Photograph of Ted Weems and his Orchestra; Illustration of diamonds and ovals in frame with white and purple pin stripe design
Save All Your Kisses for Me
Vittorio Mascheroni
Silhouette of man and woman; Photograph of Claire Starr sitting on windowsill
Save Me
Al Lewis, Abel Baer, and Al Sherman
Photograph of Connie Boswell; Illustration of lifesaver and rope
Save The Last Dance For Me
Phil Spitalny and Frank Magine
Photograph of Ruth Etting; Orange, black, blue, and white waves of bars
Save Your Sorrow
Al Sherman
Illustration of woman sitting on hill with shining sun in white in rectangle; Photograph of Dolly Kay
Saxonola Fox Trot
P. T. Bodge
Illustration of a person in a white outfit plaing a saxophone while a dog watches.
Say A Little Prayer For Me
Horatio Nicholls
Candle on holder with illustration of woman in large white circle
Say A Prayer For The Boys 'Out There'
Alex Marr
Illustration of a man and two women praying at a dinnertable with an image of trees and a lone soldier in the background. A photo of Polly Russell is in the lower left corner.
Say Arabella
Ted Fiorito
Woman in polka dot outfit holding umbrella; Framed illustration of flowers on hill with trees in background
Say It With Flowers
Harry Pease and Ed G. Nelson
Portrait of woman surrounded by wreath made of roses; Illustration of rose garden
Say It With Liquor
Halsey K. Mohr
Photograph of Rae Samuels; Illustration of grapes on vine surrounding photograph
Say Mister Have You Met Rosie's Sister
Charlie Harrison and Fred Rose
Illustration of flowers; Photograph of George Givot
Says I to Myself, Says I
Harry von Tilzer
Illustration of a woman in a green dress standing on top of an airplane.
Say Something Sweet To Your Sweetheart
Sid Tepper and Roy Brodsky
Illustration of man and woman; Illustration of large rose; Photograph of Freddie Martin surrounded by heart shaped frame
Say you love me Sue
John Stromberg
African American man looking at an African American woman in a window / CEJ ; photo inset of Peter F. Dailey.
Say, Young Feller
Isham Jones
Illustration of cartoonish people on a sidewalk in front of the post office.
Say You're Mine Again
Charles Nathan and Dave Heisler
Photograph of Perry Como; Illustration of musical notes on bars
Cecil Mack and Chris Smith
Photograph of Nora Bayes inset within a checkered box surrounded by brown border
Cecil Mack and Chris Smith
Photograph of Nora Bayes inset within a checkered box surrounded by brown border
Scarecrow On A Holiday
Marvin Kahn
Title with triangles, circles, and stars with pin striped grey and red background
Scarf Dance
Cécile Chaminade
Miniature women dancing and waving scarves while men play instruments; Birds sitting on flowers and grass surrounding men and women
Keene-Bean and Frankie Masters
Photograph of Frankie Masters; Illustration of women dancing with clouds and rays of sunshine in background
Illustration of carpenter working and pictures of things with the corresponding German word beneath them
School Day Sweethearts
Glen Edwards
Illustration of boy and girl carving initials into tree; Photograph of Barnassus Trio
School Mates
Gus Edwards
Illustration of boy pushing girl on cart with house in background; black background
Schubert's Serenade
Brenda J. Bechtel
Woman smelling bouquet of flowers; Woman wearing scarf around head and coat
Seal It With A Kiss
Arthur Schwartz
Woman wearing red dress holding cigarette in right hand and blowing kiss with left hand
Searching for You In My Dreams
Al Cameron, Cal de Voll, and Pete Bontsema
Man standing with arms wide open with background of castle on hill and eclipse in sky
Second Front
Leo Richard and Hector Richard
Illustration of soldiers marching; Photograph of Irving Siegel