Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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Swaying Willow.
Bernard Hamblen
Illustration of a canoe on a lake at night with tepees in the background
Sweet Cider Time When You Were Mine
Percy Wenrich
Illustration of woman picking apples from a tree; Man holding basket full of apples sitting on ground next to woman; Background of wooden fence, barn, and hills; Photograph of Avon Comedy 4 in lower left corner
Sweetest Little Rose in Tennessee.
Cal de Voll
Photo of two men playing piano; Illustration of woman holding baby in rocking chair
Sweet Face in the Window
A. L. Wood
Woman leaning on statue looking out of window surrounded by leaves and vines
Sweet Flowers
Harold Spencer
Illustration of two boys fishing; Farm home in background with men carrying hay by cart pulled by horses
Sweet Georgia Brown
Ben Bernie, Maceo Pinkard, and Kenneth Casey
Photograph of Irving Edwards; Woman in red dress
Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight
Frank Henri Klickmann
Illustration of trees on bank with moonlight over mountain in background
Sweetheart Dreams
E. Clinton Keithley
Portrait of woman smiling; Illustration of roses as frame around portrait
Sweetheart I'm Sorry (That I Made You Cry).
Frank C. Westphal
Photo of Frank Westphal; Illustration of couple holding hands
Sweetheart Let's Grow Old Together.
Leo Edwards
Photo of man at piano; Two hour glasses in background
Sweetheart Mine
O. DuBois
Portrait illustration of a woman within the outline of a heart, with three children with wings holding ribbon behind it
Sweetheart of My Student Days.
Seymour Simons
Illustration of a heart with a couple walking around tree inside
Sweethearts on Parade
Carmen Lombardo
Illustration of man looking out of window; Couples walking outside window with trees in background
Sweethearts Song
Egbert van Alstyne
Illustration of man and woman walking through tree and flower covered area
Sweetie Be Kind to Me
Theron C. Bennett
Illustration of man and woman holding each other on side of hill; Trees and homes in background
Sweetie Dear (Fox Trot)
Joe Jordan
A woman in a red outfit wearing angel wings with a guy in a top hat standing behind her
Sweet Irish Rose
Thurland Chattaway
Illustration of two homes; Illustration of large rose above homes
Sweet Kentucky Lady
Louis Achille Hirsch
Illustration of woman of woman smiling holding flowers and bonnet sitting on ground with trees in background
Sweet Kentucky Moon.
Claire Collin Piper
Illustration of a bridge over a creek in the woods at night
Sweet Lavender And Lace
Monte Carlo and Alma M. Sanders
Photograph of a woman with illustrations of ribbons and bows.
Sweet Little Buttercup Song
Herman Paley
Illustration of woman wearing dress and wearing bonnet holding basket with flowers while picking flowers
Sweet Mamma
George A. Little, Fred Rose, and Peter L. Frost
Photograph of Dolly Kay framed by columns on green background
Sweet Memories of Dixie
Laurence Clifton Jones
Illustration of a man and woman in a boat on the water with trees, a cabin, and a steamboat in the background. The man is playing a banjo.
Sweet onion time
An onion-head man plays the guitar to an onion-head woman standing on a balcony ; individual inset photos of the Duncan Sisters ; inset photo of the Duncan Sisters as Topsy and Eva.
Sweet Potatoes
Justin Ringleben
Illustration of four sweet potatoes dancing with red flames in background