Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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Raymond Hubbell
Illustration of woman in costume putting on lipstick in mirror with child behind her
Tango Tea
Ed. A. Hallway
Illustration of party with palm trees, chandeliers and couples dancing and seated at tables
Chas. Cohen
A kid with ripped clothing holding a string that is attached to a car made out of wood
Joseph Edgar Howard
Illustration of woman seated on pedestal smoking cigarette in green dress with lady liberty's torch on ground
Tea Leaves
Morty Berk, Frank Capano, and Max C. Freedman
Photograph of Frankie Carle; striped background with dark green, light green, and white
Tear Drops
Lou Davis and Arnold Johnson
Illustration of water drop; White and green stripes at bottom of cover
Tears of Happiness
Edwin H. Tillman
Orange and blue illustration of man and woman embracing under a full moon
Bob Carleton and J. Brandon Walsh
Photography of a men with instruments surrounded by green, blue pattern
Teasing (I Was Only, Only Teasing You)
Albert von Tilzer
Artistic drawing of woman; Photograph of May Curtis
Teen Angel
Jean Surrey and Red Surrey
Blue and white background with illustration of church window and photgraph of Mark Dimming
Tell Me That You Love Me
Leo Friedman
Man holding woman sitting on branch of tree; Leaves and branches in background
Tell Me The Day
Bessie Moore Cannon
Photograph of Carrie Monreo; Title at top and flower design in background
Tell Me To-Night
Pierre Connor and Jack Little
Orange and black background with man and woman in front of moon and moon and trees
Tell Me To-Night
Pierre Connor and Jack Little
Orange and black background with man and woman in front of moon and moon and trees
Tell Me Why (I'd Like to Know the Reason Why)
Vincent Rose
Illustration of two women in broad brimmed pink hats
Tell Me With Your Eyes
Albert von Tilzer
Title, composer, and lyricist with flower designs in background
Tell Me You'll Forgive Me
Ray Hibbeler and Walter M. Anderson
Blue background with photograph of Ralph Emerson seated at organ
Tell Me You're Sorry
Joseph A. Burke
Illustration of couple under a rose arbor and a photograph of Doree Leslie
Bobbe Robinson, Charles O'Flynn, and Lou Vardi
Purple and Yellow with photograph of Singin' Sam
Tell That to the Marines
Jean Schwartz and Al Jolson
Photo of angry man taking off coat with hat behind him
Tell Us Pretty Ladies
John Stromberg
Photograph of Jos. Weber; Photograph of L.M. Fields; Photograph of Lillian Russel with composer and lyricist name
Tender Is The Night
Sammy Fain
Photograph of Jennifer Jones lying on Jason Robards, Jr.; Photograph of Joan Fontaine and Tom Ewell and woman on the background; City with large tower in front
Walter Gross
Sheet music with 'A Morris Mayfair Melrose Song' written in center; illustration of musical bars with treble clefs
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
Ira Shuster and Ed G. Nelson
Stork carrying baby in beak; Illustration of locomotive and trees; Sun in background
Ten Little Miles From Town
Elmer Schoebel
Illustration of home and yard in oval; Flowers surrounding oval
Ten Little Soliders (On a Ten Day Leave)
Abner Silver
Ten soldiers with packages and flowers walking in line on road toward home; Photograph of Landy Trio and Curley
Jeff Godfrey
Red tinted photograph of a man with red and green detailing in the background.
Tennessee Centennial Prize march
Maurice Bernhardt
Illustration of a aerial view of a town with a photo of a woman inset in the upper left corner.
Tennessee Moon
Jack Brown and Billy Hill
Photograph of Oliver G. Wallace; Illustration of river boat on river with trees, moon, and stars in background
Ten Pretty Girls
Jimmy Kennedy and George Hamilton Green
Photograph of Lanny Ross; Illustration of the number 10 with the faces of ten women
Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand
Dean Alford
Title and logo of National Federation of Music Club with lyricist and composer names below
Babe Russin
Illustration of woman in flowing dress; White burst, bubbles, stars, and music signs in background
Tessie, You Are The Only, Only, Only
Will R. Anderson
Title at top; Photograph of Joseph S. Welsh and flower design on both sides