"Exploring Simulations in Mathematics Teacher Education" by Liza Bondurant

College of Education (CoE) Publications


Bondurant: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8069-2382


Practice-based teacher education has been suggested as one approach to help preservice teachers (PSTs) learn how to enact high- leverage teaching practices such as facilitating a whole class discussion (Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, 2017; McDonald et al., 2013). McDonald et al. (2013) suggested a learning cycle that includes four parts: 1) introduce the practice; 2) prepare for and rehearse the practice; 3) implement the practice with students; and 4) analyze the enactment to inform future cycles. The rehearsal within the learning cycle provides space for the PSTs to practice enacting the instructional practice while receiving feedback from the mathematics teacher educator (MTE) (Kazemi et al., 2016). Due to program structure, course content focus, resources available, and the PSTs' needs, the rehearsal's enactment can look very different (Kazemi et al., 2016). The purpose of this article is to describe three rehearsals, each led by a MTE, that focused on facilitating a whole class discussion and the similarities and differences as well as the affordances and limitations we noticed across the vignettes.


Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators

Publication Date



College of Education


Department of Teacher Education and Leadership



Included in

Education Commons



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