College of Education (CoE) Publications
Research and creative works produced by faculty, staff, and students affiliated with Mississippi State University's College of Education.
A Brief History of the PAS Interactive Drumming Committee, Robert J. Damm
Adapt It! Create Your Own Skyscraper Puzzles, Susan Boyd, Liza Bondurant, and Annalise Johnson
A drum circle enhances a day of percussion, Robert J. Damm
Adventures in samba with Carnival in Sao Paulo, Robert J. Damm
African drumming in drum circles, Robert J. Damm
Afro Roots by Mongo Santamaria: A Listening Guide, Robert J. Damm
Approximations of Practice and Equity: Surveying the Spaces, Bima Sapkota, Carrie Lee, Liza Bondurant, and Heather Howell
Assessing Concepts, Procedures, and Cognitive Demand of Assessing Concepts, Procedures, and Cognitive Demand of ChatGPT-generated Mathematical Tasks ChatGPT-generated Mathematical Tasks, Bima Sapkota and Liza Bondurant
“Blaspheming Beethoven?”: The Altered BACH Motive in Vaughan Williams’s Fourth Symphony, Ryan M. Ross
Catalyzing Change for Equitable Participation, Liza Bondurant and Seema Rivera
Catapults, Bouncy Dice, and Glowsticks: Coaching a Crazy 8s Club, Liza Bondurant and Lee Dean
Changing the Rules to Increase Discourse, Lisa Brooks, Juli Dixon, and Liza Bondurant
Conceptualizations of effective approximations of practice in mathematics teacher education, Liza Bondurant and Heather Howell
COVID-19 Best Practices & Innovations Brief: Effective Crisis Communication in Mississippi’s K - 12 System, Kathleen Alley and Kristin Javorsky
Critical Conversations of Engaging with the AMTE Standards, Eva Thanheiser, Jennifer Bay-Williams, Richard Velasco, Liza Bondurant, and Yvonne Lai
Cultivating Critical Statistical Literacy in the Classroom, Liza Bondurant and Stephanie Somersille
DEI programs are designed to help white people too – here’s how, Liza Bondurant and Breana Jamison
Do you udu?, Robert J. Damm
Drawing a Positive Math Identity: Portrait of a Math Person, Liza Bondurant and Liesl McConchie
Education through collaboration: Learning the arts while celebrating culture, Robert J. Damm
Embodied Explorations of Slope, Rebecca Hudson, Payeton Stevens-Balducci, Liza Bondurant, Lee Dean, and Catherine Putnam
Exploring Meter in a Drum Circle, Robert J. Damm
Exploring Preservice Elementary Teachers' Reflections Following Facilitation of Mathematics Discussions in Mixed-Reality Simulations, Liza Bondurant
Exploring Simulations in Mathematics Teacher Education, Liza Bondurant
Fanga Alafia: History and meaning, Robert J. Damm
Fanga: Drum, dance, rhythm, Robert J. Damm
Foundational Rhythms for Drum Circles, Robert J. Damm
Gareth Farr's 'Kemang Suling': Three musical snapshots of Asia, Robert J. Damm
How Do You Rock?, Robert J. Damm
Incremental Growth through Professional Learning Communities of Math Teachers Engaged in Action Research Projects, Liza Bondurant
John Bergamo's Four Pieces for Timpani: A performance guide, Robert J. Damm
Nielsen's Arcadia: The Case of the Flute Concerto, Ryan M. Ross
PAS Hall Of Fame 2022 Bernard Woma
Pinkster, Robert J. Damm
Presidential Elections Provide Opportunities to Teach About Power, Proportions and Percentages, Liza Bondurant and Stephanie Somersille
Promoting Rehumanizing Mathematics Through Embodied-Focused Noticing, Liza Bondurant, Diana Moss, Claudia Bertolone-Smith, Lisa Poling, Hortensia Soto, and Jonathan Troup
“Rahul is a Math Nerd” and “Mia Can Be a Drama Queen”: How Mixed-Reality Simulations Can Perpetuate Racist and Sexist Stereotypes, Liza Bondurant and Daniel Reinholz
Recreational drum circles for university students, Robert J. Damm
Rehumanizing Mathematics Through Multimodal Microanalysis, Liza Bondurant, Jonathan Troup, Claudia Bertolone-Sith, Diana Moss, and Hortensia Soto
Remembering bamboula, Robert J. Damm
Rough Draft Math for Engaged Learning, Liza Bondurant and Amanda Jansen
Rudimental Classics: Hell on the Wabash, Robert J. Damm
Rudimental Classics: The Downfall of Paris, Robert J. Damm
Rudimental Classics: The Three Camps, Robert J. Damm
Rudimental Classics: Yankee Doodle, Robert J. Damm
Sharde Thomas and Mississippi Fife and Drum Band, Robert J. Damm
Skyscrapers, Liza Bondurant
Sorting Out Equity: The Q-Sort Method in Mathematics Education Research, Liza Bondurant and Jamaal Rashad Young
State of the Art of Interactive Drumming, Robert J. Damm
The Equity Committee Book Club: Deepening Comprehension and Elevating Conversations about Equity, Barbara King, Natasha Ramsay-Jordan, Justin Burris, Shelia Orr, Siddhi Desai, and Liza Bondurant
The Impact of After-School Math Club on Elementary Student Math Anxiety, Caroline Virden, Lee Dean, and Liza Bondurant
The jembe in Mali: Bassidi Kone and Maraka, Robert J. Damm
The origins of the Fanga dance, Robert J. Damm
The positive effects of drumming on children with autism, Stephen Workman and Robert J. Damm
"There, in the fastness of Rural England": Vaughan Williams, folk song and George Borrow’s 'Lavengro', Ryan M. Ross
Three hand drum duets, Ricky Burkhead and Robert J. Damm
Using ChatGPT As A Thought Partner in Writing Relevant Proportional Reasoning Word Problems, Andrea Berryhill, Lendon Chandler, Liza Bondurant, and Bima Sapkota
Why Expanding Access to Algebra is a Matter of Civil Rights, Liza Bondurant
CK-12 College Precalculus, Paula Evans, Terri Germain-Williams, and Ashley Suominen
Elementary and Intermediate College Algebra, Elizabeth Krams
Lee, C., Bondurant, L., Sapkota, B., Howell, H. (2025). Promoting equity in approximations of practice for mathematics teachers. IGI Global., Carrie Wilkerson Lee, Liza Bondurant, Bima Sapkota, and Heather Howell
Book Chapters
Designing a Gingerbread House, Liza Bondurant
Editorial insights: Reflections on the volume and charge to the field, Heather Howell, Meghan Shaughnessy, Barbara Stengal, Carrie Lee, Liza Bondurant, Bima Sapkota, Gregory Benoit, and Yvonne Lai
Fighting Shadows: Shedding Light on Academic Bullying, Empowering Reflection, and Igniting Courage, Liza Bondurant
Drawing a Positive Mathematics Identity: Portrait of a Maths Person, Liza Bondurant and Liesl McConchie
Embodied Noticing in Mathematics: Pre-service Teachers’ Observations and Noticings, Jonathan Troup, Liza Bondurant, Claudia Bertolone-Smith, Diana Moss, and Hortensia Soto
Engaging Preservice Elementary Teachers in Statistical Investigations of Systemic Racism in School Discipline Data, Liza Bondurant, Anthony Fernandes, Ksenija Simić-Muller, and Travis Weiland
Examining Curriculum Requirements of Undergraduate Teacher Preparation Programs to Gauge Educator Knowledge of Trauma-Informed Education Frameworks, Laura Grace King
COVID-19 Best Practices & Innovations Brief: How Mississippi Ensured Free and Appropriate Public Education for Students Receiving Special Education Services Online, Kellie Fondren and Peggy Hopper
COVID-19 Best Practices & Innovations Brief: How Mississippi Teachers Used Organizational Scaffolds and Learning Supports During an Emergency Learning Situation, Kathleen Alley and Kristin Javorsky
COVID-19 Best Practices & Innovations Brief: How Mississippi Used Learning Management Systems as Supports During an Emergency Learning Situation, Kathleen Alley and Kristin Javorsky
COVID-19 Best Practices & Innovations Brief: Mississippi Best Practices & Innovations Using Online Resources, Tools, and Apps, Nicole C. Miller
COVID-19 Best Practices & Innovations Brief: Supporting the Social and Emotional Needs of Mississippi’s Students, Kellie Fondren and Peggy Hopper
COVID-19 Best Practices & Innovations Brief: What Mississippi Teachers Need from Leadership During an Emergency Teaching Situation, Kathleen Alley and Peggy Hopper
COVID-19 Best Practices & Innovations Brief: Working with English Language Learners in Mississippi, Stephanie Lemley and Nicole C. Miller
Final Report: Conceptualizing Ethics, Authenticity, and Efficacy of Simulations in Teacher Education, Carrie Wilkerson Lee, Liza Bondurant, Bima Sapkota, Heather Howell, and Yvonne Lai
Mississippi’s K-12 Emergency Online Learning Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Executive Summary of Research Findings, Kristin Javorsky
Mississippi’s K-12 Public Education Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Remote Learning to Recovery and Beyond, Kristin Javorsky, Kathleen Alley, Nicole C. Miller, Kellie B. Fondren, Stephanie M. Lemley, and Peggy F. Hopper
Secondary Mathematics Teacher Recruitment Campaign 2.0: Implementation Guide, Diane Barrett, Liza Bondurant, Tim Deis, Brittney Falahola, Dana Franz, Cheryl Ordorica, Derek Sturgill, Lexi Kornblum, Jeff Ranta, and Ed Dickey
Research Data
Quality and Quantity of Physical Activity Resources in the Mississippi Delta Data Set, Megan E. Holmes