Honors Theses


College of Arts and Sciences


Department of Philosophy and Religion


Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Electrical Engineering

Document Type

Honors Thesis


This thesis aims to not only illustrate a metaphysical position, but also explore a possible metaethical scheme which can be grounded therein. First is offered an outline of the core principles of Process metaphysics. Then the author differentiates their own take on these principles, bringing into dialogue several other philosophers, both within the tradition of Process philosophy and outside of it. Next is explored the way in which this scheme can inform issues in other domains of inquiry relevant to the final issue being addressed, which is metaethics. Though it is found that this scheme can support at least a few different metaethical positions, one in particular is chosen to illustrate how Process metaphysics can inform how the issues surrounding metaethics are framed and analyzed.

Date Defended


Thesis Director

Kallfelz, William M.

Second Committee Member

Wylie, Danielle

Third Committee Member

Neal, Anthony Sean
