"Banks, Sutton - Order of Appraisal for the estate of Sutton Banks, Dec" by Chancery Court of Adams County

Historic Natchez Foundation


Sutton Banks



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Order of Appraisal for the estate of Sutton Banks, Dec'd, including one enslaved man aged 35 and one enslaved woman aged 50, both unnamed.


Page 1 Mississippi Territory, Adams County} By the Orphan’s Court of said County. THESE ARE TO AUTHORISE AND EMPOWER YOU, whose names are here underwritten, to make an inventory and appraisement of the goods and chattels of Sutton Banks late of said county deceased, wheresover the same shall be found within the territory aforesaid, and which shall be shewn unto you by Lewis Bingaman administer of the estate of the said deceased; being first sworn, to make a true and perfect inventory and appraisement thereof, and to cause the same to be returned under your hands to the Register of said Court within three months from this date. Witness Samuel Brooks, Esquire, Chief Justice of said Court, the 3d day of October Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and three. To William Scott Lewis Evans and Job Routh} Appraisers. Memorandum This 15th day of December 1803 personally appeared before me the undersigned, one of the Justices assigned to keep the peace for the county of William Scott, Lewis Evans and Job Routh being appraisers appointed to appraise the goods and chattels of Sutton Banks deceased; who being duly sworn, made oath, that they would make a just and true appraisement of all and singular the goods and chattels, (ready money exepted) of the said Sutton Banks deceased; as shall be produced by the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased; and that they would return the same certified under the hands to the Registers Office of the Orphan’s Court of Adams County, within the time prescribed by the warrant of appraisement to them directed by the said Court. Sworn before me John Henderson JP Wm Scott Lewis Evans Job Routh   Page 2 A true and perfect inventory of all the goods, chattels and personal estate of Sutton Banks late of St. Catherines in the county of Adams deceased, made by use whose names are hereunto subscribed, the sixteenth day of December A.D. 1803 One Negro Man aged 35 yrs 450 One Negro Woman do 50 do 150 Twenty five thousand Cotton in the seed 750 Six pr Work Oxen 240 One Hundred & thirty eight cattle in the swamp of different sizes & ages} 600 In saddle & Work horses 400 Twenty Horses & Mares unbroak[sic] & running at large 300 Seventy head of Sheep of different ages & sizes 210 Thirty head of hogs running at large 330 Eight Plates(?) & two harnesses (?) (old) 80 One Cart much used 30 Ten Hoes and four axes (old) 10 Dollars (?) 3250 Here also offers the following debts due the estate From the persons mentioned to W’m? Brown on the Estate of Mr C Bary? ? an by the late Jn Connor for 53.68 An unsettled acct with Rick Butler 111.50 A note on Richard Suede (?) of Batton Rouge 100.00 An unsettled account with Jno N Taylor the amount of which is not certain ? Scott Lewis Evans Job Routh   Page 3 106 Inventory of Sutton Banks Dec’d Estate Fees paid $50 1803 Recorded Lot B [Separated by a vertical squiggly line] Fol 10

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Slaveholders ; Slavery -- Mississippi ; Slavery -- Mississippi -- History -- Sources ; Slaveholders


slavery; enslaved persons; Mississippi; estate files; probate files; Adams County; Sutton Banks; Order of Appraisal


African American Studies | Cultural History | United States History

Geographic Location

Adams County (Miss.)

Object Type


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Digital Format


Physical ID

Sutton Banks Estate File, Box 6, Probate and Estate Files Collection, Historic Natchez Foundation, Mississippi

Digital ID

HNF_Box6_BanksSutton_12161803_b_1_u, HNF_Box6_BanksSutton_12161803_b_2_u and HNF_Box6_BanksSutton_12161803_b_3_u


Sutton Banks Estate File, Box 6, Probate and Estate Files Collection, Historic Natchez Foundation, Mississippi


Historic Natchez Foundation


Historic Natchez Foundation

Digital Publisher

Mississippi State University Libraries


Copyright protected by Historic Natchez Foundation. Use of materials from this collection beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. Permission to publish or reproduce is required.

Contact Information


Banks, Sutton - Order of Appraisal for the estate of Sutton Banks, Dec'd
