Historic Natchez Foundation
Sutton Banks
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Inventory of the estate of Sutton Banks, deceased, including an enslaved man, aged 35 and a woman, aged 50, both unnamed, and a note indicating these indivduals were later found to be enslaved by Mr. Taylor
An Inventory of the Goods Chattels & Personal Estate of the late Sutton Banks Viz-. 1 Negro man aged 35 yrs 1 Negro woman do 50 do} These two negroes were afterward? proven to belong to Mr. Taylor} 450 150 25000 lbs seed Cotton 750 6 pr work Oxen 240 138 head Cattle 600 10 Saddle & draught Horses 400 20 Horses & Mares unbroke 300 70 head Sheep 210 30 do Hogs 30 8 Plows & 2 harrows 80 1 Cart 30 6 Hoes & 4 axes 10 $1250 An Order on the Estate of C. Bingamen By the late Jno Cornor? For - $53.68 An unsettled acct with Rich. Butler 111.50 A Note on Rich Duval of Baton Rouge 100 An unsettled acct. with Jno N Taylor the amt not ascertained Natchez 13th Dec 1803} Lewis Bingaman Adm.
Approximate Creation Date
Time Period
Slaveholders ; Slavery -- Mississippi ; Slavery -- Mississippi -- History -- Sources ; Slaveholders
slavery; enslaved persons; Mississippi; estate files; probate files; Adams County; Sutton Banks; Estate Inventory
African American Studies | Cultural History | United States History
Geographic Location
Adams County (Miss.)
Object Type
Physical Format
Digital Format
Physical ID
Sutton Banks Estate File, Box 6, Probate and Estate Files Collection, Historic Natchez Foundation, Mississippi
Digital ID
HNF_Box6_BanksSutton_12161803_c_1_u and HNF_Box6_BanksSutton_12161803_c_2_u
Sutton Banks Estate File, Box 6, Probate and Estate Files Collection, Historic Natchez Foundation, Mississippi
Historic Natchez Foundation
Historic Natchez Foundation
Digital Publisher
Mississippi State University Libraries
Copyright protected by Historic Natchez Foundation. Use of materials from this collection beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. Permission to publish or reproduce is required.
Recommended Citation
Estate Inventory, Sutton Banks Probate File, Box 6, Adams County Probate Records, Historic Natchez Foundation
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Included in
African American Studies Commons, Cultural History Commons, United States History Commons