Mississippi Agricultural and Foresty Experiment Station (MAFES)


Interim Director: Reuben Moore

The Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station has16 branch locations throughout Mississippi (MAFES). MAFES Research centers work to addresses issues important and relevant to Mississippi farmers, industry, communities, and families. MAFES discoveries improve plant, animal, and food production systems to enhance commodity production and conserve the environment for the benefit of all people. The MAFES collections presented in the repository are for preservation and free worldwide access. Additional MAFES publications can be found on the MAFES website (link in sidebar).


Browse the Mississippi Agricultural and Foresty Experiment Station (MAFES) Collections:

MAFES Glass Negatives Collection

MAFES Information Bulletins

MAFES M&R Reports

MAFES Publications and Scholarship

MAFES Research Bulletins

MAFES Technical Bulletins

Proceedings of the Short Course for Seedsmen